Why does Hair texture change with age?
You must have heard that how you look from outside tells quite a lot about how you feel from inside. It is true indeed and not just your appearance and dress up, how your body looks from outside is a reflection of your well-being from inside. Especially your hair and skin get affected with the changes in your habits, lifestyle and even your age. In this blog, we are going to discuss one of these changes and the reasons behind it. We are going to talk about “Why does your hair texture change with age”.
You might have noticed that the hair texture with which a child is born is often not the same after he grows up, it changes. Even the hair colour also changes with age. There are a number of factors which contribute to the change in the texture of hair. It does not happen overnight, it is gradual process, unnoticeable.
Did you know that the average age of a hair strand is five to seven years? No wonder you need a new hair style every half a decade. While looking back at your pictures now you would notice the difference and that it was the hair texture that made you consider a different hair style. Let’s see what makes your hair change its texture.
Hormonal Changes
Yes, this is the most important factor that affects the hair texture and growth. The hormones change throughout your life, especially in a women’s lifecycle. Childhood, puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, ageing, if you look at the graph, it is a whole roller coaster in itself. Puberty may bring unwanted hair with it while pregnancy would give you shiny, thick and strong hair. Childbirth and breastfeeding would bring hair-fall and thinner hair and with menopause your hair would grow slowly and become brittle.
The two primary hormones of a female body estrogen and progesterone are responsible for this entire sequence in the body and on the head. There is another condition PCOS where the imbalance of these hormones could give you very thick hair at unwanted places on your body and a very huge amount of hair fall on your head.
Increase in Androgens, a group of male hormones, also results in shrinking of hair follicles and eventually hair loss.
And this is not only women’s issue even men face issues related to hair thinning and hair fall due to abnormality of hormones like thyroid and insulin.
Collagen loss
Collagen has a big role in keeping your hair voluminous and lustrous and it starts to disappear from your body as you age.
Collagen is the protein found in your body which is responsible for the growth of skin and hair. When it gets reduced near the hair follicles your hair become thin, dull and brittle. Reduction in collagen due to ageing also results in hair loss as it is also responsible for joining the dermal layer and hair follicle together.
Insufficient diet
As you age the nutritional requirement of your body also changes with it and not getting sufficient nutrients in your diet can have a huge impact on your hair’s texture and volume.
A diet rich in Iron, Zinc, Selenium, fatty acids, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Amino Acid, Biotin, Protein and Antioxidants is important for good and healthy hair. Whether you want to maintain your curls or keep the silky, smooth texture, you need to have a healthy balanced diet because what goes inside is what appears on outside.
People often fail to maintain the required amount of nutrients in their body which changes with age, resulting in hair loss and its texture.
If you thought that pollution is harmful only for your respiratory system, keep reading to find out how it impacts your hair.
You cover your face and body and wear a mask when you go out but what about your hair? Your hair is prone to attract dust, dirt, soot and gasses and some of its credit goes to the hair products you apply.
The pollutants cause damage to the hair resulting in hair breakage, hair loss and premature greying. You may not realise it but it could be a major agent in causing your hair to lose its lustre and smoothness.
Environmental pollution harms the hair as much as it harms the lungs. The microscopic nature of PM 2.5 (very small particulate matter) not only infiltrates the lungs, it also gets lodged in the scalp.
The presence of pollutants like dust, matter, lead, smoke, nickel, ammonia, arsenic and hydrocarbon enter into the scalp and stop its capability to generate fibre.
Overuse of products and heat
Everyone loves hairstyling and with the boom in styling products, people love to experiment with their hair without realising what it does to their hair.
Using too many products on your hair over a long period of time may cause your hair to lose its natural shine and texture. It also causes product build up in the scalp which eventually results in hair thinning and hair loss.
Overuse of chemicals and heat gradually impacts your hair in unanticipated ways.
In many cases, these factors affect your hair to an extent that it leads your scalp towards baldness. If you are facing hair balding issues you can get a hair transplant surgery to restore your hairline with the help of our hair transplant experts.
About Us
We are a team of dermatology and cosmetology experts who have performed more than 2100 hair transplant under the guidance of Dr. V. S. Rathore who is a hair transplant surgeon.
Dr. V. S. Rathore has around two decades of experience in hair transplant surgeries. He has opened a chain of clinics under the name of Kayakalp which is the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.
For more information visit our website or book a consultation with us on 983126311.