P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Why Are Compression Garments Required After Plastic Surgery?

Compression garments would be considered a thing of the past now due to the arrival and popularity of newer technologies and medications, but that doesn’t seem to be the case just yet. Compression garments are still considered an integral part of the recovery process after any major surgery. But why are compression garments required after plastic surgery? These garments are extremely useful, guaranteeing more prominent results and a safer recovery. They are an essential accessory during the healing process to improve comfort and enhance the outcomes of the surgery. They’re typically recommended to patients who have had procedures such as tummy tuck, body contouring, liposuction, and sometimes breast augmentation/lift.

Many of those who are familiar with surgical procedures would know the use of compression garments followed by a surgery, but if you have any doubts or questions regarding them; we’ve prepared this article to discuss how compression garments work and why they are considered beneficial for the recovery process.

How They Work

The garments used for maintaining compression provide a comfortable but elastic stretch to support bodily tissues and offer extra comfort during the healing period. They are primarily used to provide aid in the absorption of excessive fluid which caused swelling. They are developed with the use of premium quality materials that allow comfortable breathing. These pieces of garments keep your body safe and toned as well as facilitate your overall healing and comfort. That is why compression garments are required after a plastic surgery.

Compression garments are available for nearly every area of the body. They are customisable in different shapes and styles. For a number of surgical procedures, compression garments are designed to be worn from or below the chest area to the lower half of the body. The garments are also designed for specific procedures like breast lifts or neck liposuction. They are customised in such a way that it wraps perfectly around all the necessary body parts to guarantee the best of results.

Benefits of Compression Garments

Although compression garments might not be your preferred choice of garments to wear, they certainly have plenty of benefits for your body post-op. Listed below are a few out of the many advantages;

Lessen Pain and Swelling: The constant pressure provided by the garments helps in preventing excessive fluid from building up in the areas that have undergone surgery. It also encourages the absorption of necessary fluids to minimise the severity of pain.

Speed-up Recovery: Once there’s a decrease in swelling, it will automatically speed up the healing process. People who chose not to opt for compression garments post-op revert back agreeing that their swelling took a lot longer to tone down, which resulted in the recovery lasting considerably longer than those who wore the garments as advised by the doctor.

Enhance End Results: Compression of the tissues works towards moulding the skin to adjust to the body contour offered by a surgery. Compression is especially beneficial for patients who go through liposuction. Many times, patients are concerned about the loose skin around the area of the surgery, compression garments ensure to prevent the body from a wrinkled appearance.

Customizing The Right Fit

An experienced professional would work out details with the patient to customize a compression garments that fits perfectly in all parts of the body that need it. It’s important to note that compression garments should be tight and comfortable, not too tight. They should be fit to decrease swelling and improve the body shape, not worsen it. Once the swelling fades away, the fit might become loose and the patient might need to go for another customised pair. Keep in mind that compression garments shouldn’t act as a barrier when it comes to your breathing.

Followed by a surgical procedure, the recovery consultant would give you a brief about the time period you’d need to wear the compression garments. Usually, patients are advised to wear them all day for anywhere between 1-3 weeks. Of course, the timeline differs from person to person depending on the severity of the need for the garments. Basically, it is partly up to you to look after the amount of time you spend wearing the compression garments, but you’ll notice a better outcome the more you wear these items. Taking them off from time to time works, but make sure to wear them overnight for a few weeks to ensure improved results.

If you’re interested in rhinoplasty, liposuction, or any other cosmetic and plastic surgery that we offer, consult our qualified and professional team. These procedures are not safe for just anyone to perform, you’ll need a certified surgeon! Our expert, Dr. V.S. Rathore, is a qualified professional with over 18 years of experience in the field.To schedule an appointment, check out our contact details. It would be an honour for us to be at your service and provide a healthy and successful result. To know more and to book an appointment with the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata visit www.drvsrathore.com.

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