P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
What Is Body Contouring and How is It Done?

Body Contouring is a minimally invasive procedure which helps in fixing loose fat in areas of the body. These loose folds of skin are usually a result of significant weight loss. Body contouring has both surgical and non-surgical methods, depending on the requirements. There are some natural remedies which people have been following but these cannot completely get rid of those unpleasant skin.

The most common areas where the “lifts” are done are arm lifts, stomach lifts, breast lifts and lower body lifts. Most of these are surgical procedures. Non-surgical procedures have been developed in recent times including ultrasound therapy, low-level laser therapy, cryolipolysis and suction massage.

Body Contouring Methods

  •  The most common type of body contouring is stomach lift. Most people who have had noticeable weight loss might go through the problem of having loose hanging skin or folds of stomach. The process is usually done by tightening the flesh of the stomach area. The scar is made to be under the underwear line. The surgeries which are used for these tummy tucks are panniculectomy and belt lipectomy.
  •  Breast lifts are done to fix the sagging of the breasts. It is done by removing tissue from the top of the breasts, pulling up and reattaching it. This procedure of getting rid of droopy breasts is also known mastopexy.
  •  Lower body lifts are for the buttocks and thighs. Liposuction or hip-to-hip incisions are made to get rid of this unwanted flesh.
  •  Arm lifts are also done by making an incision from the armpit to the elbow, removing excess tissues and then tightening them around the muscles. The type of surgery used is called Brachioplasty.

There are Some Non-Surgical Procedures.

  •  Ultrasound therapy is done with multiple sessions of stimulation of collagen. This ultimately tightens the skin at a cellular level.
  • Low-level laser therapy is a procedure to stimulate cell production, more collagen and getting rid of excess skin.
  •  Cryoliposis is a long process where the fat cells are specifically frozen. Many sessions are needed before these cells are gradually gone and the skin tightens.
  • Cupping or suction is a procedure where the cells beneath the skin are stretched to stimulate the production of more collagen and tighten the skin.

Of course, like any surgical procedure, there are some risks that body contouring proposes. These include numbness and scarring and on serious levels, blood clots and anaesthesia risks. Heading for a well-certified doctor and following closely with the advice of your doctor is absolutely crucial. These procedures are usually successful on the whole, despite the contradictions of some unfortunate events. However, it is wise to choose what is best for you and your body before making any decision.

Dr V.S Rathore

Dr Rathore, a leading cosmetology surgeon in Kolkata has been rendering his services in the various fields of cosmetology since 2003. He has been working for the betterment of his patients and boosting their confidence with the help of his knowledge for more than 18 years. As a leading cosmetology surgeon who has performed more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants, he is continuing to strive for the well being of his patients with pride.