What are your Options when it Comes to Hair Transplant?
Have you been looking for a solution to your hair loss? What are your Options when it Comes to Hair Transplant? There are many options available. One option that is often overlooked is the surgical hair restoration procedure known as a transplant. When done by an experienced surgeon, it can be an effective and natural-looking treatment for anyone with thinning hair.
This blog will look at what a transplant entails, why this type of surgery may be right for you, and how to find an expert who can help you make the best decision possible about your future hairstyle!
What should I do before a hair transplant?
The first thing to do is to share your medical history with your surgeon and disclose all medications you are currently under.
To ensure the best results, it's important to follow all directions carefully before and after your procedure. You may be required to stop taking certain medications. Some common drugs that must be discontinued at least two weeks before a hair transplant include anti-depressants, blood thinners, and some antibiotics.
You will also need to stop smoking at the recommended time before surgery; and give up any alcohol use for a month prior as well.
What are your options when it comes to hair transplants?
- Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) - The most common type of modern hair transplant, a strip is removed from the back of the head where donor hairs grow in large numbers. This tissue is then cut into smaller pieces using tiny 'punch' tools, and distributed to areas on top or in front of the scalp where hair is thinning. The surgeon will mark the new hairline and the area of extraction. For the record, photographs will be taken of the scalp. The hair in the donor area is trimmed before the surgeon cuts out the skin with the hair follicles. The cuts will be closed with stitches. The hair follicles are individually dissected before transplanting them to the new area. The surgery is done in a single sitting.
- A Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) - Rather than making a long incision like with a strip procedure, follicles are individually harvested directly from the scalp via small cuts that heal very quickly. Although this type of surgery usually takes much longer to perform than other types, it's often less painful as there are no stitches needed for recovery. And many patients prefer it because there's less scarring to contend with afterward! In this procedure, the surgeon uses micropunches to extract individual hair follicles. This process gives you a natural look and is absolutely safe. You require 3-4 sittings to complete the entire procedure.
Both the surgeries are performed under local anaesthesia and patients stay awake during the surgery. A hair transplant surgery takes almost four to six hours. FUE takes a longer time than FUT. Both methods require you to have enough hair on the sides of your head to use as a graft.
To ensure you get the best results, it's important to consult a hair transplant surgeon who is experienced in both FUE and FUT methods. If you're looking for an expert team of professionals with the know-how and experience necessary to deliver natural-looking transplants that will help your confidence soar, visit Kaayakalp.com today. Our team of expert surgeons headed by Dr. V. S. Rathore is here to help guide you through all your options so that you can make a decision with confidence. Visit us today for a consultation with Dr. V.S. Rathore. You deserve nothing less than the best when it comes to getting back your full head of hair!