P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Saline Or Silicone Breast Implants: Which Is Better?


If you have been considering breast augmentation, you will probably know that there are mainly two ways of doing so. While fat transfer is one way of doing so, inserting breast implants is more common in surgery for breast augmentation. 

There are mainly two types of implants available – saline and silicone. Each has its upsides and downsides. It can often be a difficult choice to make, especially because not everybody is the same. Hence, requirements and best fits vary. In this post, we will discuss the two types of implants for breast augmentation. So, you can weigh down the pros and cons of one against the other and make an informed choice with the consultation of your breast surgeon.  

Types of implants:

Before we get to the question, “what are the best breast implants material”, let us give you an overview of the basic difference between them. 

1. Saline breast implant:

It is a medical device made of an outer silicone shell. As the name suggests, it is filled with sterile saline solution after it is inserted within the breast for augmentation. 

 Saline For Breast Implants
 Breast implants material

2. Silicone breast implant:

This medical prosthesis consists of a silicone shell filled with silicone gel inside. 

With advances in research and technology, breast implants of silicone are available in different types. These include:

 Silicone For Breast Implants
 Silicone For Breast Implants

a) Gummy bears breast implant: 

This special form of silicone is more adhesive. Hence, it forms a more cohesive structure, making it firmer than the usual silicone breast implants.

b) Round breast implant:

As the name implies, this implant is round in shape. It gives more fullness to the upper part of the breast. 

c) Textured breast implant:

Also known as a “shaped implant”, it has spikes at the edges. The purpose is to trigger the immune system to grow scar tissue around it. As a result, the implant remains secure as it attaches to the tissue growth. 

Which breast implant should you choose?

There is no one answer to this question. Everyone has different goals for breast enhancement and different body types. Both of these factors determine the precise breast implant material that will suit you best. 

In this post, we have compiled the basic points for you to keep in mind when finalising your choice of breast implant. 

1. Fit:

When using implants for breast augmentation, one of the most important factors to ponder is how well they fit. 

Saline implants are excessively movable. This is discomforting. You can feel and hear the sloshing and whirring of the saltwater solution within the implant. Moreover, due to their heavy weight, they tend to migrate downwards. 

Saline breast implants also need a significant amount of breast tissue for a tight grip. Or else, there is a high chance of rotation. Hence, for women or transwomen with less native breast tissue, this is not a very good choice. 

Silicone breast implants stay in place. Due to their adhesive structure, their mobility is restricted. They firmly adhere to the breast tissue. Due to scar formation, they are secure in their position. Textured breast implants made of silicone offer a higher degree of a comfortable fit. The spikes attach themselves to the scar tissue providing an additional grip. 

2. Look:

Saline implants are firm. They provide a round and elevated look to the breasts. 

Silicone for breast implants is pliable, thereby, providing a more natural look to the breasts. It moulds to the normal tapering shape of breasts. 

Nowadays, both round implants and teardrop implants are available. So, you can decide as per your personal preference. 

3. Feel:

Breast implants made of a silicone feel more natural to the touch than saline implants. 

Moreover, in skinny people especially, or people with less breast tissue, a saline implant feels more visible. So, for the ones who want their breast augmentation surgery to remain discrete, a silicone implant is a better choice. 

4. Scar:

A saline implant is empty. During surgery, after insertion, the surgeon fills it with sterile saline to inflate the implant. As a result, the incision needed to insert it is smaller. It is inconspicuous. Another upside is that the surgeon can modify the size and shape both during and after the surgery as per your changing preferences or ensure the symmetry of both breasts. All they have to do is inject more saline water to increase the breast size or withdraw it to decrease the size. 

On the other hand, on-spot modification of a silicone breast implant is not possible. They are pre-filled by the manufacturer. But even though the incision is larger than for a saline implant insertion, the scar is usually hidden by the breast.

5. Rupture:

Despite the quality of implants, their rupture always remains an option. This is more so with advancing age. 

The rupture of a saline implant is easily detectable as it deflates immediately. The saline water is absorbed within the body without any side effects. The silicone shell has to be operated out or replaced with a new one. 

If breast implants made of silicone rupture, they stay intact. Hence, they are not easily identified. MRI scans can detect these ruptures which is why regular MRI scans at 2-3 years intervals are mandatory for those who opt for these. Although silicone poses no toxicity inside the body, it can migrate to nearby tissues and lymph nodes causing hardening and pain around them. 

6. Age:

Women above the age of 18 years can use saline breast implants for enhancing their breast size and volume. 

Women aged 22 years or more can use silicone for breast implants. 

However, apart from your personal choice, the suggestion of your breast surgeon is the most important factor to consider. Apart from your cosmetic purpose, other points play an important role to determine a safe surgery for breast augmentation and the final outcome. These include your age, comorbidities, and general health condition. So, it is best to follow your surgeon’s advice in this matter. The involvement and cooperation of both the surgeon and the patient in deciding the type of breast implant will provide the best result.

Which is a better option?

As stated earlier, different types of implants have their own array of benefits and drawbacks. It is important to consult with your breast surgeon to determine the right choice. 

This post will hopefully resolve some of your questions. But to ensure a breast augmentation for surgery that fulfils your wish, consult the best breast surgeon in Kolkata. 

Dr V. S. Rathore has been in the field of cosmetic surgery for over 18 years. With over 9600 surgeries to his credit, his expertise and skill remain unmatched. He ensures the use of the latest technology and FDA-certified surgeries. 

Contact him for your breast augmentation surgery. 

Also Read: Factors Affecting The Cost Of Breast Surgery

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