P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Things You Did Not Know About Ear Correction Surgery

Ear correction surgery is often done to change the shape or position of your ears. This procedure can be done on children who are old enough, which means that kids only if they have stopped growing. let's look at some things you did not know about ear correction surgery.

A lot of people lose their sleep because of protruding ears. It does not just affect one's pride but it also obstructs their hearing ability.

An ear change surgery can boost a person's confidence and improve their posture. It is often done to increase the confidence of a person.

Ears come in various shapes and sizes and not all look good on one person and that depends on the shape of your face. Here are a few things you did not know about ear correction surgery.


The most common method of ear surgery is making a small incision, which goes behind the ear and pulls back the skin to reveal the cartilage. The ear is then reshaped using the patient's tissue.

Making changes

The doctor then starts removing or reshaping the cartilage until it has reached the desired shape. You may feel some pain during the procedure but it recovers post-surgery.

Post-surgery you must make sure not to touch your ears with dirty fingers for at least 14 days. You need to avoid touching your bandage with bare hands for 48 hours after surgery as well because washing them can lead to infection in kids under 16 years old. 

You will be given antibiotics along with painkillers that are strong enough to last you through the aftershock.


It may take up to a week for you to return to normal activities and about 3 weeks for your ears to stop hurting. You should feel confident that your ears will look better than before while others around you will not see much change because it's just an improvement of what was already there!

This process may be done on both ear, but sometimes only one side is corrected, depending upon how prominent they are. It can make you more confident in social gatherings and other places where people gather since everyone has flaws and we all need our flaws corrected.

If you have scars behind your ears or even if they're not too protruding then it would still your confidence and improve your posture.

The recovery process is smooth and you can go back to doing your regular activities within a week. 

However, you might feel some stiffness or pain for up to 3 weeks. Most often both ears are done at the same time if they are prominent, but if only one ear needs correction, then that's what will be done.

You might want to change your hairstyle because it may cover the scars depending on how much hair you have. It depends on how big your ears are before surgery since protruding ears can cause headaches and affect one's self-esteem which is why people go under this procedure.

Not all ears look good on different people and it depends on the shape of one's face, which is why some go under the knife to get rid of bullying.

People with protruding ears may find themselves in embarrassing situations when they cannot hear properly because of them, which is why most go under surgery to correct this deformity.

This procedure can improve your posture and make you confident when talking to others around you since no one will be looking at your protruding ears anymore but just your impressive personality.

That being said everything has its challenges including ear correction surgery where there are side effects that may turn out worse than what one was going through in the first place.

The main reason why one goes under this procedure is to correct their earlobes which can affect how comfortable you are in social gatherings and in general, everyday life. It's not good when your ears are noticed by everyone since you might feel embarrassed by them, but not anymore because the changes in their size will make you confident around others who don't know about your deformity.

Surgery has its risks like any other medical procedure which could include pain, bleeding, etc., but this should be well explained to patients ahead of time so they understand exactly what they're getting into before committing to it. There are things you did not know about ear correction surgery before reading this blog, but after this, we hope you get the hang of things.

People with protruding ears go through a lot when it comes to social situations that could damage their confidence because there are just some things that cannot be changed when it comes to how everyone projects themselves when they leave the house!

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