P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Remember These Before Undergoing A Lip Augmentation

Do you want those plump pair of lips for yourself? Then, undergoing Lip Augmentation surgery with dermal filler is the only option. This non-surgical lip enhancement procedure is gaining popularity every day. Even social media is filled with pictures of puffy lips of individuals who have undergone this surgery until recently. So, before going under the knife you should consider certain things unfailingly. That said, here are some key factors worth taking into consideration before undergoing a lip filler from the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata.

Consider the different options

Lip augmentation can be of different types. It can be both permanent and temporary. Amongst so many choices, hyaluronic acid (HA)-oriented injectable gel fillers are the most popular ones. Another popular Lip Augmentation surgery is the Restylane procedure. It’s also hyaluronic acid (HA)-based lip enhancement surgery. After the HA filler is injected, it degrades naturally. Consequently, it is absorbed by the body automatically with time. The top plastic surgeons in Kolkata can perform each of these surgeries efficiently and confidently.

Be careful about the supplements and vitamins

Do you have chronic diseases? Are you already taking some medicines for that? Then, tell your cosmetic surgeon about your medication routine without any hesitation. Depending on the type of medicines you take, your doctor might ask you to stop some of them for the time being. This is because consuming these medicines will only your risk of bruising and at the worst profuse bleeding. So, if you are taking any of these supplements just before your lip filler, stop them immediately.

Any kind of Fish Oil

  • Supplements of Vitamin E
  • Blood Thinners and
  • Alcohol

More importantly, consuming alcohol would be prohibited for you during this time. This is because taking alcohol can furthermore increase your chance of prolonged bruising or swelling. Besides, you should also avoid any form of body or facial massage before undergoing your lip enhancement surgery. Make sure you start doing it at least two days before your lip augmentation procedure.

Expect natural results

As a layperson, what are the results you expect from your Lip Augmentation procedure? That puffy pout that compels you untap your pictures on social media, right? The good news is you don’t have to feel apprehensive about it. Ask why? The reason is lip fillers especially the ones based on hyaluronic acid produce exceptionally natural results. These surgeries just enhance your already existing lips. Some patients even don’t feel that they’ve got a lip augmentation surgery done. However, don’t expect your lip filler spree to produce exquisite results for you. Speak to the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata once before undergoing your lip augmentation surgery.

Finding the correct surgeon is important

Lip filler is no joke. Even the smallest mistake can ruin the overall look of your lips greatly. That’s why look for the most feasible surgical professional within your vicinity or nearby. Take time but choose only the best surgeon who you think can perform the surgery perfectly. So, consider the following points while choosing your lip filler surgeon.

  • Make sure that your surgeon is properly trained
  • The surgeon you’ve chosen should be board-certified and
  • You should choose a surgeon who holds a valid license

Remember not every surgeon can do a treatment like lip augmentation flawlessly. Although minimally invasive and quick performing this treatment needs knowledge and expertise. So, only the top plastic surgeons in Kolkata can yield the best results for you. Conversely, if a partially knowledgeable surgeon performs this procedure on you, the consequences can be detrimental. The person can inject the fillers into the wrong portions of your lips. As a result, it can damage the nerves in those areas. On top of everything, a wrongly done lip augmentation surgery can cause irreparable damage to your lips.

It's a super-fast procedure

Lip augmentation is also known as a ‘’lunchtime procedure’’ in alternative terms. Needless to say, this pseudonym does full justice to the Lip Augmentation surgery. Firstly, your surgeon will sit for a preliminary consultation with you. In this discussion, your doctor would discuss with you your goals and medical history. After that, your surgeon will take some of your pre-surgery images. Subsequently, he or she will apply a cream on the concerned part to create numbness there. Then, the injections will be applied consecutively which would hardly take two minutes for each. This means that your lip filler procedure will be finished within a short time.

Lip Augmentation is now a cakewalk!

Undergoing a LipAugmentation Surgery is now easy and simple! All you have to do is to keep the points in mind given above. Besides, you have to look for a qualified surgeon who can perform this surgery faultlessly on you. Do you also want to get your lip fillers done by the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata? Then, reach out to Dr V.S Rathore to get a personalized lip enhancement surgery performed.