Things To Do To Maintain The Health Of Transplanted Hair
Hair transplants are an effective option for that experiencing hair loss. The procedure involves plucking healthy follicles from the back and sides of your head, then placing them in a balding or thinning area to stimulate growth where you want more coverage. A hair transplant surgery can increase overall hair density, provide the youthful appearance and vitality of a full head of healthy-looking locks that everyone desires. To get the most from a hair transplant surgery as well as minimize recovery time, a few self-care steps need to be done. In this article we will list out the things to do to maintain the health of transplanted hair. Keep reading to find out!
Ways To Care For Transplanted Hair
Hair thinning or baldness often comes from genetics; however, with these small steps after getting a hair transplant you'll notice less breakage and healthier strands for a lifetime. Here are the things to do to maintain the health of transplanted hair -
Keeping Scalp Hydrated: After surgery, it's crucial to maintain a moist environment around the grafts and keep them from drying out for them to thrive after transplantation. This can be accomplished by regularly misting saline solution onto your scalp or applying an ointment over top of newly grafted skin sites so they don't dry up during recovery time following procedure day.
Preventing Skin Irritation: Cleaning your scalp with a gentle cleanser and avoiding harsh shampoos for the first few days following the procedure will minimize scabs and reduce itching. Sleeping at a 45-degree angle post-surgery can also help to minimize fluid shifts that cause additional swelling in other areas of your face.
Retaining a Healthy Diet: The health of your hair may be partially dependent on the type of food you eat. A healthy diet will help with a healthier life for your hair and it is important to include foods that are rich in protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E as well zinc, and iron into what you consume daily. Fish, eggs, walnuts, spinach, etc., are some foods you can add to your diet.
Avoiding Alcohol: Alcohol can dehydrate you, prolong your recovery time and increase your risk of discomfort. Moreover, it elevates the blood pressure to an unsafe level which will reduce the supply of blood and crucial nutrients to your head. For a healthier and more successful recovery, it’s best to cut ties with alcohol for some time.
Hair is one of the most valued aspects of an individual’s appearance and it can be distressing when there’s a sudden or gradual loss. Dr. V.S. Rathore empathises with this widely spread issue and works towards helping people attain their sanity back by getting a permanent treatment for their hair. Hair restoration has been Dr. V.S. Rathore’s speciality since 2003, making him perform more than 2100 successful hair transplants in Kolkata over the years.
If you're considering a hair transplant but are unsure about the recovery process, we hope these tips will help. It's important for us at Kaayakalp that you make an educated decision and be happy with your choice before proceeding. Successful healing is essential to any transplant procedure - check out our website today if this sounds like something worth exploring!