Things To Avoid After A Rhinoplasty Surgery
Rhinoplasty is a surgery that involves changing the shape of the nose. Undergoing a rhinoplasty is half the battle, one must be careful of how one treats themselves post-surgery in order to achieve the best results. So, here are things to avoid after a rhinoplasty surgery:
- Do not perform heavy work
After the rhinoplasty surgery, you must avoid doing any hard work like high impact exercising, heavy lifting, and anything that involves a huge amount of energy. This is because the doing heavy work requires energy that increases the blood flow to the face which results in swelling and may result in bleeding.
Secondly, your sweat can compromise the healing process of your skin.
Lastly, your nose is not yet set post-surgery. Therefore doing strenuous activity may make the bones in your nose unsettled and result in damage.
Avoid doing any exercise, work out or heavy work for 5 weeks, or at the least 3 weeks. - Do not blow your nose
Blowing your nose is a massive no-no when it comes to taking care of your nose after a rhinoplasty. Allergies, colds, and the flu virus are difficult to contend with any time of the year, but they can be downright dangerous soon after your nasal surgery. This is because blowing your nose or sniffing can cause bleeding in your nose.
Therefore, avoid anyone that may seem to be ill and wash your hands regularly. Try, as much as possible not to catch a cold. - Avoid the sun
Sun exposure may cause discolouration, scarring, swelling and burning where there was incision or scar tissues. When going out, remember to wear a hat, a sunscreen of SPF 30 at least.
Continue doing this for a year post-operation to avoid taking any risks as the tissues in your skin are still sensitive to scarring and swelling. - Do not wear glasses
Post-operation, the cartilage in your nose is still sensitive and needs proper healing. Therefore, if you are a person that wears glasses regularly then try out contact lenses for a while as glasses may create indents on the softened cartilage tissues.
Or opt for glass frames that are very light and not heavy. - Avoid touching your nose
After a surgery, you might be curious to touch your nose, however you should avoid touching your nose as you might misalign the bones, reshape the cartilage or undue the results in some way. For at least a few months, avoid exercising, heavy work, playing any games with balls flying near your face, carrying or lifting items and playing with children or pets.
So basically, avoid anything that might hurt your nose. And if anything does happen, meet up with your surgeon about the issues and what to do from there on. - Avoid laying flat
When you sleep after your surgery, be careful not to lie straight onto your back as this might result in bleeding. When you lay flat on the bed, the head and the heart are on the same level and so, the blood flow will increase to the nose and result in swelling, bleeding and pain. It is best to lay down on your bed with your head prop with a pillow or sleep on a reclining chair at an angle. - Do not wear make-up
Wearing makeup to cover up any post-surgical bruising may seem like a good idea, however applying cosmetics may increase risk of infection on the incised skin where there is scarring.
So, stay away from wearing make-up for some time and consult your surgeon about the type of cosmetic products you can use. - Do not smoke or drink
Smoking and drinking is dangerous for everyone, especially for patients healing from rhinoplasty.
The nicotine in cigarettes can restrict the blood vessels and reduce blood flow to very low levels, inhibiting proper healing. Alcohol, on the other hand, can interfere with your medications and thin your blood, promoting excess bleeding. To be safest during your recovery, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least three weeks after your rhinoplasty surgery. - Avoid hard or chewy foods
For the first few days, try to minimise facia movements as much as possible. To make this possible, avoid food that need a lot of chewing thereby straining your facial muscles. Avoid fruits or foods that needs to be munched on hard like raw vegetables like carrots. In addition, avoid gums and steaks that can be harmful too since they put a lot of pressure on the jaw. - Getting Constipated
Bowel movements are typically irregular right after your surgery. The condition can be quite uncomfortable, so the best way to reduce this risk is to consume foods that are rich in fibre. For the first few days, you can have oatmeal or blended smoothies made of high-fibre fruits and vegetables. If after a couple of days, you still have not had a bowel movement, you may ask your doctor about taking a mild laxative.
After your rhinoplasty, you will feel drowsy, dizzy and maybe nauseous after the anaesthetics have worn off. You will need to be escorted by a family member or a close friend for the whole day.
After the recovery, you will be faced with incredible results depending on what result you wanted, an aesthetic face or to breath better.
It is important to choose a surgeon that is attentive to their patients and one who has many years of experience so they can provide you with the best results like Dr. V. S. Rathore.
We are one of the best clinics in Kolkata and have the best doctors providing all sorts of cosmetic surgery. Check out our website to learn more about