Scalp Hair Transplant Using Beard Hair
People who want to have a hair transplant in Kolkata hope to improve their appearance. A scalp hair transplant usually involves extracting hair follicles from areas of the scalp that still have hair.
Then, these “donor” hair grafts are transplanted to bald areas of the scalp. But what about patients who have little to no hair or hair that is extremely scant?
Is it impossible for them to achieve their goal of having a thicker head of hair?
Not anymore with a beard hair transplant that utilises beard hair for hair transplantation in Kolkata.
Although this is not the first choice of the donor for a hair transplant, the outcomes are good. As a result, it is becoming more popular among patients who, though at first apprehensive, eventually agree to it after learning about the procedure.
Is it safe to use beard hair for a hair transplant?
Yes. It is safe to use beard hair for scalp hair transplant. Technology innovation is rapidly allowing beard hair transplants to become more popular than ever before.
Transplanting beard hair to the scalp offers certain advantages that give much better results than a traditional hair transplant.
This post deals with a beard hair transplant – why it is a reliable option for ones with scanty or no hair on the scalp.

How beard hair is transplanted on the scalp?
The FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) method makes beard-to-scalp hair transplant possible.
In this method, your hair transplant surgeon extracts hair grafts from your beard using a micro punch tool.
Then, they transplant it onto your scalp just like they would do for a regular scalp hair transplant.
However, transplanting beard hair to the scalp requires an extensive skill set and a more cautious approach.
This is because beard hair follicles are placed at a different angle and pattern than scalp hair.
They are coarser than scalp hair. Beard hair spread angulation differs from scalp hair angulation.
Keeping these factors in mind, only an experienced and highly-qualified hair transplant surgeon can guarantee a proper outcome for your scalp hair transplant.
Thus, a beard-to-scalp hair transplant is a more time-consuming process that requires extra skill and patience.
Advantages of beard-to-scalp hair transplant:
For the ones wondering, if the beard is good for a hair transplant, read the following advantages of the procedure.
It will help you understand why hair transplant surgeons are now preferring a combination of transplanting scalp hair and beard hair for a scalp hair transplant.
1. Safer:
The fact that bugs most patients is the safety of the surgery. Transplanting beard hairs to the scalp has lower risks than transplanting from the scalp itself.
- A lower dosage of anaesthesia is sufficient.
- Beard hairs are not located as deep as scalp hairs. Thus, surgeons can extract hair grafts by a shallow insertion of just about 2 mm. This is unlike scalp hair extraction which requires the insertion of the punch tool up to 4 mm deep.
- Chances of infection significantly decline since post-operative donor area care is easier. Simply clean the area regularly with normal saline for about a week. The beard donor area is easier to maintain than the scalp during the healing phase.
- Healing occurs faster.
2. No visible scar:
A major cosmetic benefit the procedure provides is that it leaves behind a minimal scar. Hair grafts from the beard are extracted from either the jawline or the chin area or both.
The slight scar that is left behind merges with the skin tone or is hidden by the chin itself. Hence, there is no risk of an unsightly and unwanted scar on the donor area.
3. Greater coverage:
The beard hair diameter is 125 microns. This is almost twice the size of the scalp hair whose diameter is 69 microns.
Naturally, beard hair provides greater coverage to bald areas of the scalp than individual scalp hair grafts.
Thus, even for patients having a sufficient amount of scalp hair for hair transplantation, surgeons are now opting for a combination of both scalp and beard hairs.
They place scalp hairs near the hairline and transplant beard hairs on the top of the scalp between hair grafts.
This preserves both the scalp hair and beard. So, just in case your first hair transplant fails, you still have an option for a revision hair transplant.

4. Less number of grafts required:
Beard hair grafts usually contain one hair follicle. On the other hand, scalp hair grafts contain 2-4 hair follicles on average.
However, given the bigger size and coarse texture of beard hairs, a lesser number of grafts are required from the beard.
Again, this helps preserve your beard not just for future transplants but also retains your beard donor area.
5. Reduces hair fall:
Beard hairs stay in their growth phase (or anagen phase) longer than scalp hairs. Thus, they shed less.
6. Increased chances of survival:
Beard hairs are tougher than scalp hair. Thus, handling them becomes comparatively easier for the surgeon since they have a lower transaction rate.
The transection rate dictates the chance of damage to a hair graft. Beard hairs, thus, have an increased chance of survival than scalp hair during the hair transplantation procedure.
This increases the success rate of the hair transplant.
Does beard hair look natural on the scalp?
The texture of beard hair and scalp hair is different. So, it may not look completely natural.
However, with the proper maintenance, you can give it an almost realistic feel. It is also important to know that most of your scalp hair transplant results from the beard depending on your surgeon’s expertise.
That is, only with strategic and artistic placement of beard hair on the scalp at the right angle, it can deliver results that will look no less than natural hair!
Why choose Dr V. S. Rathore?
Dr V. S. Rathore is a well-known name in the field of hair transplantation in Kolkata. With over 19 years of experience in the field, he has completed more than 9600 scalp hair transplants.
His dedication and integrity in the field of hair transplants make him a renowned hair transplant surgeon.
Patients who benefit from him regain their lost confidence. He ensures 100% safe procedures that abide by the guidelines of the FDA.
He uses only the latest equipment in his surgeries which guarantees the best outcome.