Regain Your Youth With The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata
Humans are plagued by several problems, both within and without, overcoming which is what makes life interesting. But some people are dealt an unfair hand, and they have to tackle some particular problems that others don't have to. Balding is one such problem, that affects anyone and everyone at any point in time. Scientific studies on hair fall have pointed out several factors as the causes of balding, from hormones, improper care, stress and radiation. Because the causes of hair fall are so diverse, it is not an easy task to treat it without knowing the cause. Moreover, hair fall not only affects men but women are also greatly affected by it. Apart from the physical problems that hair fall causes, mentally, it results in low self-esteem in the patient.
We live in a period when our looks and personality are the primary indicators of our character. Gone are the times, when people lived by the proverb - Do not judge a book by its cover. Nowadays, the cover has become more important than the book itself. Because frankly, who has the time to read books? In such circumstances, it becomes essential for everyone to take additional care of one's own looks. A person’s good looks are mainly determined by his/her dressing, personality, hygiene and lastly their hair.
Throughout human history, civilizations that were separated by thousands of miles and hundreds of years have considered hair to be a symbol of a person's reputation and lineage. Right from the ancient Egyptians to the medieval Chinese, almost all of them placed undue importance on hair. The Same is true even for Indian mythology.
In the Sangam period, during the reign of Shanbaga Pandian, the royal poet Nakkeeran argued with Lord Shiva himself on a topic related to hair. This famous debate rocked, not only the Pandian king's court but also the entirety of Tamizh land itself.
One of the most common causes of hair loss is heredity. Although it may seem that one can do nothing about it, modern science has progressed so much that nothing is impossible anymore. Hereditary hair fall can be categorized by early thinning of hair, bald spots at the centre or the crown of the head. In this case, timely medical attention is needed.
As I mentioned earlier, hair fall is an unfair challenge. Not every cause for hair fall is relevant. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to even correctly identify the cause for hair fall. Other medical conditions such as diabetes and hormonal imbalances, can be responsible for the onset of hair fall in the patient.
Not only medical disorders, the medications that we consume for them can also be a primary cause of hair fall. Side effects caused by the consumption of certain drugs and medicines, such as those used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems and high blood pressure, may also be a cause for hair fall
In this day and age, due to excessive exposure to digital media, even kids desire to sport different hairstyles. Pulling one's hair tightly can cause roots to loosen, which cause hair loss. Hot-oil hair treatments also can cause hair to fall out.
Some of the ways to Regain Your Youth With The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata.
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that is done to rectify either complete baldness or baldness in a specific area. In simple terms, hair transplant is the method in which, hair from one part of our body is transplanted in another part, especially the head. Contrary to popular opinion, hair transplantation has been a part of the medical practice for decades. Hair transplant is a process to relocate healthy hair follicles from other parts of our body to the bald spots. Hair can be transplanted from and to any parts of the body. It helps us to get back our eyebrow hair, chest hair, eyelashes, beard and/or moustache etc.
Dr V. S. Rathore:
Since the past two decades, Dr V.S. Rathore has made the goodness and wellbeing of his patients, who come from all parts of India, the sole purpose of his existence. Dr V. S. Rathore is quite possibly, one of the most highly educated dermatologists apart from being the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata. Not only that, with the wealth of knowledge and expertise at his disposal, he has established Kaayakalp, the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. Of the several branches of services offered at Kaayakalp hospitals, hair transplant and dermatology take precedence among others. These were the ways to Regain Your Youth With The Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Kolkata.
Kaayakalp is a chain of clinics in Kolkata which offers various cosmetic surgery and hair transplant treatment in Kolkata. Founded by Dr V.S Rathore, the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata, Kaayakalp has successfully completed thousands of Cosmetic Surgeries and Hair Transplants. We are the first clinic to bring InMode Technology in India, which is the latest technology for Feminine Wellness.