Reasons you might need a male breast correction
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) it’s been estimated that 70% of boys that are aged between seven and 13 experience gynecomastia, the midpoint is approximately 11. Likewise, the National Institute of Aging additionally estimated that 65% of men who are above the age of 50 years suffer from this condition too. However, everyone should be able to enjoy good deal of self-esteem with their own skin. That is why gynecomastia is considered an effective treatment to reduce breast size in males to a reasonable extent. That being said, here are some compelling reasons you might need a male breast correction imperatively.
Superfast Recovery
Analgesics will alleviate your discomfort in a matter of minutes. It does so miraculously within 72 hours after the procedure. As a result, you would feel as if there is no pain at all. Initially, for the first few days of recovery, you can wear a compression garment to decrease swelling and speed up the recovery process. Regardless of whether it seems like a long time to recuperate, it's only weightlifting that will be restricted for a month. Nonetheless, you'll be side-lined at work for no more than a whole week. On top of that, who doesn't appreciate a whole working week off to recharge by playing games enthusiastically? This is also one of the reasons you might need a male breast correction for sure. Undergoing a first-rate Male Breast Surgery in Kolkata would be the choicest decision in this matter.
Speedy Procedure
Gynecomastia, or breast reduction, is typically done via outpatient surgery under local anaesthesia or sedation or that of general anaesthesia. You will wake up from the procedure without feeling any pain or discomfort, while spending the entire session asleep and you can go home right after the surgery gets over. The procedure itself will take between 90 and 120 minutes, so the procedure will barely last for the entire day.
What’s more?
During a session, an incision may be made around the nipple to take out fat cells and glandular tissue from your breast. Liposuction may be used together with the incisions made for the breast reduction procedure to get you rid of as much fat derived from the breasts as possible. Next, any remaining unwanted skin and fatty tissue in your breasts are removed and tightened together to make space for your breasts’ recuperation.
A One-Size-Fits-All Option
Before undergoing breast reduction via a gynecomastia treatment, if you are obese, you can try to lose weight before that by dissolving the fatty tissue or that of glandular tissue properly. The cause of your male breasts may be excess fat rather than the glandular tissue. In that case liposuction might be a superior option as compared to breast reduction. Please speak with your doctor about how to create a health and fitness plan and stick to it stringently until you attain a healthier body fat percentage.
What else?
When gynecomastia therapy is recommended for you, consumption of excess alcohol, smoking weed, or anabolic steroid usage should be kept at bay during this phase. However, if any of these do not currently apply to you, you will be in good physical health. Both you and your doctor must have realistic expectations from its results. Besides, make sure that you do not have any blood diseases to qualify for your breast reduction surgery. So, when it comes to the imperative reasons you might need a male breast correction, do consider this one as well. The Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Kolkata will get you furthermore aid in this matter.
You Become Stress-Free
If you're preoccupied with how you look, you might have the same kinds of negative thoughts running through your mind constantly. Which of these shirts do I have in my closet that fit most comfortably? Which shirt do I need for this afternoon's meeting? Does she notice my breasts? Is that guy on a treadmill staring at my breasts constantly? Some of those ideas that come to your mind are just irrational, and just a small fraction of men afflicted with gynecomastia experience them every day. When you gain a foothold on your big picture, don't let shame or anxiety keep you from making all your plans in life. So, schedule an appointment with your doctor today and undergo a male breast correction procedure as soon as possible.
Boost in Confidence and Self-Worth
Aside from physical consequences of gynecomastia, men may also face more subtle impacts. Millions of men who struggle with the disorder are depressed by it. In addition to feeling insecure, social anxiety may further reduce one's opportunities to create or request a raise and see new folks, and to be involved in spontaneous activities. Activities, such as a visit to the pool or a game of basketball comprise this checklist. Conversely, a male breast correction surgery gets you rid of all these societal odds and challenges. In return, you can expect a surge in your self-esteem as well as confidence.
Final Note!
So, these were the reasons you might need a male breast correction surgery indispensably this time. Dr V.S Rathore can provide you the finest Male breast surgery in Kolkata, regardless of when you need it.
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