Reasons To Get Rhinoplasty
The human nose is more than an ornament or a characteristic part of our face. It is a vital organ that has a major effect on our breathing and sense of smell. A notable nose can be uplifting, while a small nose may make us look younger. Let's have a look at reasons to get Rhinoplasty.
However, there are also cases in which the nose makes someone's life miserable regardless of age or sex because it affects not only his personality but also his social life. Some people with large noses cannot enjoy activities like swimming due to fear that others will laugh at them (it is not for one to lose confidence because of the size of his or her nose).
Large noses can also become a serious problem for those who are obese since they may be caused by weight gain.
For some, even simple physical activities like walking can be uncomfortable because of their big noses. Thus, any difficulty in breathing and smelling is often unacceptable to make an individual feel happy about himself/herself.
These are just a few reasons to get Rhinoplasty but there are other numerous reasons too!
Rhinoplasty and the Past!
Rhinoplasty aims to change the shape and structure of a person's nose using plastic surgery techniques so that it will look better and more aesthetically appealing. These procedures for cosmetic purposes have been around since early civilizations but were usually banned because people thought it was barbaric.
In history, Rhinoplasty was mostly done to reconstruct individuals' noses after accidents or war injuries. But during the early 20th century, people started to get Rhinoplasty procedures purely for cosmetic purposes.
The first plastic surgery procedure ever performed was an Indian Rhinoplasty in 2000 BC using a living human being as a subject. Since then, there have been many advancements in this field and it has become an accepted method of improving one's facial features and appearance.
Rhinoplasty is not just done to change the size or shape of someone's nose. It can also be used to enhance or improve breathing function by removing deviated septums or closing off nasal airways that are too wide.
Rhinoplasty may come with side effects such as swelling, bruising, bleeding, blood clots, numbness of the nose, scarring, visible marks on the skin of the nose, and headaches. But today, improvements in technology allow doctors to reduce or prevent these problems through better medical procedures for this procedure.
Rhinoplasty and its Functionality
Rhinoplasty is more than just cosmetic surgery. It can also be used to correct functional respiratory disorders. This is one of the major reasons to get Rhinoplasty as Chronic sinusitis, nasal bone fracture, and obstruction are some diseases that an individual may get from having a large/elongated/misshaped/asymmetric nose.
These problems usually make life difficult because they cause breathing difficulties in some cases. Thus with Rhinoplasty, surgical correction of the nasal structure will help you breathe with less discomfort.
Not only can Rhinoplasty improve one's breathing, but it can also enhance one's sense of smell. Some people have a deviated septum which handles their inability to breathe and smell properly. Rhinoplasty can be performed on such individuals to correct their deviated septa and allow them to breathe better.
If you feel that your nose makes you miserable because of its size, shape, or functionality you may want to consider having Rhinoplasty surgery.
However, make sure that this decision is not rushed and that you know all the facts before committing yourself to such an irreversible change. While the results of the procedure are often felt years after surgery, some changes like nasal bleeding and swelling can take up to two weeks before they disappear completely.
Reasons to get Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can be used for both cosmetic and functional purposes, but it is important to know the difference between these two types of procedures so you will not opt for the wrong procedure.
Cosmetic Rhinoplasty aims to enhance one's facial appearance while breathing improves Rhinoplasty focuses more on improving one's sense of smell or breathing ability by removing deviated septums or narrowing nasal passages which are too wide.
Rhinoplasty can also improve your appearance by making your nose more symmetrical with other facial features. If you feel that your nose does nothing good for your appearance, then rhinoplasty may help give you confidence again. But if you do not like the size, shape, or functionality of your nose, then the solution is Rhinoplasty surgery.
Whom to Trust?
The difference between good and bad plastic surgeons lies in their ability to give you a result that you love. It may be important to have someone with whom you've built a rapport before going through surgery, so be sure to ask around your friends and family if they know of a good doctor.
If you have numerous reasons to get Rhinoplasty, do not immediately go for the most popular doctor if you have been referred to him by an acquaintance. While popularity means more exposure which can increase his chances for successful outcomes, it does not mean he will get the results you want.
It may prove difficult at times because patients who are difficult cases may get transferred from one doctor to another until they're assigned to a doctor who will be able to take care of them.
People often misunderstand that surgery is a simple process that can give them the results they want as soon as they pay their dues. This is why many people go from one plastic surgery centre to another until someone finally agrees to do the procedure for them, even if it means going through an additional cost from revision surgery.
So make sure you know what you want and what it entails before going under the knife. You should also prepare yourself psychologically by knowing how long the recovery time may last and how painful this cosmetic surgery may be.
Visit Dr V. S. Rathore for more information
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