Positive and Negative Impacts of Being Bald
Baldness is common in men but women also suffer from alopecia at an age of 60 and above. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance, any medication, or any long-term disease of the person. Near 80% of men become bald due to heredity. What are the Pros and Cons of Getting Bald? Let's find out.
Different people possess different opinions regarding baldness. Hair loss and hair thinning at an early stage make several people depressed, whereas some others choose to become bald contentedly. Find below what are the pros and cons of getting bald from the perspective of a man.
Baldness Saves Time, Money, and Water
Staying bald keeps some extra money in your pocket. You use several products such as shampoo, conditioners, hair oils, hair spa, colours, gel, and several other things to maintain the allure of your hair. Though some people prefer their natural hair colour, when the shade turns to grey, the hair colour becomes a necessary item. No hair means no requirement of water to wash it.
Takes Away Your Concern
Tresses bother a lot regarding its maintenance. People get conscious about hair colour, haircut, shampoo, conditioner, and many more things. When they start losing their hair, they get more sensitive to it. They strive for different brands of shampoos, hair oils, and other DIY remedies to get rid of alopecia. A few of them search for hair transplant in Kolkata or any other city for a permanent cure. Men who prefer to stay bald can stay away from all these concerns.
Makes Summer Bearable
Shaved-head bestows relief during summer. However, it is not at all safe to get exposed under the sun bare-headed. Lads can manage it stylishly by covering the head with a classy hat.
A Big Bump to Self-Esteem
People often lose their confidence when the alopecia gets prominent. Research says approximately 70% of men feel ugly due to thin or no hair. Again, all types of clothes don’t suit a shaved head. It increases their dissatisfaction and irritation. However, people don’t pay attention to their hair in their late 50s. But for younger men, it can cause depression and anxiety. It substantially troubles those men who are trying for a job or marriage. They hesitate to face unknown people.
Minimizes the Chances of Getting Selected
Whether there is an event of a job interview or a marriage proposal, appearance matters a lot. Although, looks don’t always influence the chances of getting hired. It depends on the talent of the candidate. But when the candidate feels agitations regarding his outward look, then the performance also gets affected.
Furthermore, some career opportunities highly depend on looks like acting, modelling, customer care representative, etc. Hence, persons with alopecia can’t shine in these career prospects. The same happens in the case of a marriage proposal also, your marriage gets delayed due to baldness.
Baldness Leads to Humiliation in Public Places
Bald people often face humiliations publicly. Many people don’t care about others’ feelings and hurt them by pinpointing their weaknesses.
Baldness Highlights Scars on Head
People may have some scars on the head caused by an accident. With a baldhead, it becomes difficult to conceal those marks. Those blemishes get highlighted affecting your charm.
Is There any Permanent Solution to These Problems?
Yes, alopecia can be effectively and permanently solved with hair transplantation surgery. If your wide hairline is also troubling you in this way, you may opt for hair implant surgery. Hair transplantation is a persistent solution to alopecia. There are numerous successful cases of this surgery. You may get your original hairs back visiting the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. Doctors perform two types of transplanting surgeries namely FUT and FUE.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)
In this technique, a strip with hair follicles is extracted from the donor area and implanted it on the bald areas. This surgery is required to cover wide-spread alopecia.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
In this method, individual hair follicles are extracted for transplantation instead of extracting a whole strip of skin. It is ideal for people with partial alopecia.
Several hairs can be grown from a single follicle. Doctors suggest the appropriate technique of hair grafting after examining the condition of the patient. They also provide some pre and post-operation guidelines. Following those guidelines, you can stay away from all risks of transplantation such as excess bleeding, infections, etc. According to various surveys on this operation, more than 80% of hair follicles start producing new hairs within 6 months. These were some of the Pros and Cons of Getting Bald for men as well as women.
DR V.S Rathore
To do hair transplantation successfully, you need to visit an efficient doctor who has a lot of experience in this field. Dr Vikram Singh Rathore is the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata. He is an M.Ch. in cosmetic surgery and has been practising in this field since 2003. Due to his sheer effort and dedication in this sphere, he has completed more than 2100 hair transplant surgeries. Presently, he is running 4 hospitals for cosmetic surgery all across Kolkata.
Today, with advanced medical facilities, no one needs to be conquered by their fatal shortcomings. Several celebrities opted for this surgery and got satisfactory results. You too can be one of them.