P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Opting for a tummy tuck surgery? Expect these plus points instead

An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a special type of body contouring procedure. During abdominoplasty, excess skin and fat from the abdomen are removed to tighten the underlying muscles. Patients recovering from excessive weight loss or gaining significant weight sometimes struggle to fit back on their unique clothing. That's why patients often look for tummy tuck sessions to boost their self-confidence and consider their stripped-down physiques as an improvement from what they had before. So, when opting for a tummy tuck surgery, expect these plus points instead after undergoing the same.

Tummy Tuck: A brief introduction

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a prominent surgery that eliminates excess fat and skin from the abdomen, and it also tightens the underlying muscles. It is often an appropriate option for women who have had many children or lost weight like anything until recently. Hence, by opting for a tummy tuck surgery, expect these plus points instead for sure. To dive deeper into each of these benefits, you need to read the subsequent writeup in the proper and expected way. The Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Kolkata can perform a tummy tuck surgery for you impeccably. So, let’s dive in!

Elimination of Caesarean Section Scars

If you were one of the many thousands of women who have had a caesarean section, you may have lasting physical disfigurations that require further treatment. During a tummy tuck surgery, your doctor may remove your C-section scars by removing the soft perineum tissue that is too loose or you may choose to have your scars integrated into the tummy tuck scar as well. Previous scars can become incorporated into the incisions of the abdominoplasty, which increases the odds of healing properly leading to their complete disappearing.

Exercising becomes much Easier

Have you been an athlete? Were you once quite physically active, but your job or pregnancy has gotten in the way? If so, rest assured that this is a common problem for many women, as it is in your case. Perhaps you are finding it more tedious to exercise and free your belly fat, but there is a way out. With a smaller stomach and slimmer abs, the activities you used to love so much will be more enjoyable and easier to perform. Following your tummy tuck, eating less and putting your weight back on will be substantially easier due to a slimmer midsection and reconfigured abdominal muscles. You will perceive this benefit once you undergo the choicest Abdominoplasty in Kolkata.

Relief from Hernia

A hernia is one of the most painful injuries that can happen to anyone. If you have a particular type of hernia, a ventral hernia, a tummy tuck procedure may be an option in addition to a hernia repair to relieve pain and prevent its recurrence. By creating stronger abdominal muscles and tightening the abdominal wall with an abdominoplasty, you can cut back the risk of a bulging abdomen by minimizing the tissue after moving it through the abdominal wall. A tummy tuck procedure is not solely an effective method to fix a ventral hernia. However, when combined with a hernia repair surgery, it can efficiently protect one from its future recurrences.

Alleviation of Back Pain

By keeping your posture strong, you can assume an erect stance, which improves your appearance and ensures pain relief. However, another important contributor to a healthy posture is the alleviation of neck pain. As was mentioned earlier, issues related to posture are on the rise, as in the case of neck pain. By correcting your posture, your back pain can be reduced or relieved, which may lessen or eliminate your current conditions. So, after opting for a tummy tuck surgery, expect these plus points instead without any doubt.

Improvement in Posture

Weight gain and the shift toward a sedentary lifestyle due to the coronavirus, which is ravaging our society, have resulted in an alarming increase in instances of posture-related medical conditions. Supplementary services to augment the results of aesthetic procedures, such as tummy tucks, are that’s why becoming increasingly popular these days. Despite their not so widespread use, tummy tucks remain a popular way for many patients to improve their posture and appearance altogether.

Better Appearance

In case of most of the females, this is the main reason they choose to have a tummy tuck procedure. Abdominoplasty surgery massively reshapes your figure by enlarging your stomach. Hence, it ameliorates their appearance to a great extent.

Alleviates stress urinary incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence mostly affects women who had vaginal delivery. Individuals with this condition experience accidental leakage of the bladder, especially when coughing, sneezing, or laughing. A disrupted lifestyle can have adverse effects on patients suffering from Bladder Control Disorder. (Nobody wants to suffer bladder issues at the office or at a fun event!) So, reduction of the bladder obstruction is one of the benefits of getting a tummy tuck done. Consequently, it leads to a specialist rebuilding of the section connected to the pelvic tissue.

Hassle-free weight reduction management and maintenance

Bariatric patients lose a lot of weight after their postsurgical weight loss procedures are combined with the tummy tuck surgery. (Bariatric patients primarily undergo surgeries like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric band etc.) As a matter of fact, patients who have undergone a tummy tuck and the subsequent stomach-reducing operation lose only about one pound every year. Bariatric patients who have suffered no abdominoplasty procedure lose around four pounds every year. Post-surgery patients also have increased confidence in their bodies and increased tolerance for exercise compared to people who haven’t undergone it. This helps patients find physical fitness activities more enjoyable.

Repairing of Diastasis Recti

A pouch that's subsequently appeared in a new born can have diastasis recti, also known as the separation of the abdominal muscles. Two pairs of identical vertical muscles run up the middle of the abdomen. If these muscles stretch or separate, they can cause the belly to protrude. This is commonly seen in post-pregnancy, and will of course heal without treatment. A Tummy Tuck can help boost the effectiveness of these muscles when the separation doesn't resolve on its own. Diastasis recti is something men can get as well. Some other commonly encountered causes of this ailment include the wrong kind of physical training and yo-yo dieting to name just a few.


So, post opting for a tummy tuck surgery, expect these plus points instead the ones that are given above. Should you consider undergoing this particular surgery, Dr V.S Rathore is the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Kolkata who can satiate your desire effectively.

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