Is Lip Surgery Safe?
Lip surgeries have become a common one in the list of surgeries done by people to alter their appearance. There are different surgeries offering different purposes. There are surgeries for making lips fuller and also for making them reduce in size, although that is not so common. But the question is- Is Lip Surgery Safe?
The several types of lip surgeries include lip reduction surgery, lip lift surgery, cleft lip surgery, lip reconstruction surgery and of course the most common lip augmentation surgery. Lip augmentation surgery is done to enhance the shape and size of the lips. There are several options for the fillers. There are permanent options as well as implants where it can be reversed.
Usually, the procedure is done by a surgical incision at the corners of the mouth and a tunnel is created by a tool into which the implant is placed. Common fillers are Restylane, Juvederm and Parmalip. The lip will then be stitched close at the corners. Lip reduction is where the lip size is reduced. It is done by removing skin and tissue using an incision inside the mouth. Lip lift surgery is for lips to look fuller without implants and fillers. This is done by removing skin from under the nose or below mouth causing the pink inside to show more. Cleft lip surgery is usually for people who have a facial deformity and Lip reconstruction surgery is for people whose lips need repair after an accident or when some other lip surgeries have gone wrong.
The treatment grows gradually and injections are given at regular intervals. Sometimes there are bumps or even lumps which will dissolve as the process goes on. There are not many bruises but the incision might leave a mark which takes a few weeks to go away. For some people, there might be bleeding from the injection sites. Swelling is something that most people might have to go through. There will be redness and the lips would be tender and need to be handled delicately. These are some of the common side effects that occur for most people. There are also more serious ones which might need immediate assistance. These include prolonged swelling and bruising. On rare cases, the lips might turn out asymmetrical. For some people, there might be infection or tissue loss. The tissue loss would probably be because of the injection which might have damaged a blood vessel in that area. Stiffening of the lips might also happen. Any type of prolonged allergic reaction needs attention.
Although there are some unfortunate rare cases, lip surgery is pretty safe when done by an experienced provider. So, on the whole, it is important to choose wisely who you rely on for your lip work and also it is best to follow the instructions given to get desired results.
Dr V.S Rathore
Dr Rathore has been in the field of cosmetic surgery since 2003. For more than 18 years, he has recorded by performing more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants. During all these years, he has been fulfilling his patient's needs by carefully and precisely carrying out the procedures and has to lead them to lead a better and confident life.
He was inspired to become a surgeon after witnessing patients suffer from difficulties of getting surgery. He finished his Master of Surgery in general surgery and M.Ch in plastic surgery in Kolkata Medical College. He is also a former professor in Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata.