Is Hair Transplant the Right Choice for Me?
Hair loss affects all of us, but it's not something that should be taken lightly. It can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. The thought of going bald can be a very scary and daunting prospect for many people. If you've been steadily losing your hair, it's understandable that you want to do something about it. Fortunately, there are treatments for hair loss available to help you regain the appearance you once had. One of these is hair transplant surgery.
However, not everyone is a good candidate for the surgery and there are other options available to you. This blog post will help guide you in determining whether or not a hair transplant is the right choice for you.
For whom, is Hair Transplant the right choice?
It is important that before considering the procedure, patients do get screened by qualified health professionals to rule out any underlying medical conditions or disorders that may be affecting their ability to stand as strong candidates for this type of surgery.
A few things that a doctor will take into account before determining if the individual is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery or not are their age, health condition, and family history. The doctor will determine whether the hair transplant is the right choice or not. In fact, it is considered that men with an average age of 40 years old and women around 32 years old can be considered strong candidates because, after this point, there's a higher chance that they will start experiencing more significant baldness in the coming years. A male patient's family history may also indicate if he has a high risk of developing androgenic alopecia (AGA), which is known as common male pattern baldness because his genes could have already passed on this condition to him.
If you're interested in undergoing treatment for hair loss, it's best to speak with a physician about the treatment options available to you for a more comprehensive assessment. They may recommend you going through other diagnostic tests such as blood and urine analysis which can determine if there are any medical or underlying health issues that will put you at risk while undergoing treatment.
It's important to be aware of how hair transplant surgeries work. The process involves moving healthy, already existing hair follicles from one part of your body (where they're not needed) to another area where the patient needs them most like their scalp so that it will grow new hairs over time.
FUE has become the most common way to obtain hair grafts off-site because it's less invasive as compared to traditional strip surgery. Because of this, patients will be able to recover more quickly and regain their natural hair growth within only two weeks after undergoing treatment.
However, not all individuals are suitable for Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) methods so make sure you talk with your doctor about what the best options are for you.
Dr. V.S. Rathore is one of the most experienced and well-known hair transplant surgeons in India, especially for his remarkable results with the FUE method which has been a crucial part of his practice since the first time he started using this technique to help patients who were not suitable for strip surgery because of scarring or alopecia areata. He uses only the latest technology from around the world to make sure that every patient can get high-quality treatment while also being put at ease by their experience by staying completely relaxed throughout their sessions with him and understanding them fully on how they will look after undergoing a hair transplant procedure before going ahead with the surgery. Read our blogs about Hair transplants before you decide to visit a surgeon for consultation.
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