Is Hair Transplant Safe and Permanent
Hair loss can be psychologically and emotionally devastating. It is a major concern for many people and it can result in low self-esteem and an overall negative outlook on life. But the generally question that arises is hair transplant safe and permanent. Fortunately, there are solutions to hair loss such as a hair transplant which are both safe and permanent.
A hair transplant surgery involves removing healthy follicles from the back of your head where you have more than enough of them, and putting them in the front so they will grow again! This is why it's not only effective but also safe because instead of using artificial methods like medication or supplements which may come with side effects, you're naturally reversing the process by giving yourself what your body needs to be healthy again.
When we think of hair transplant surgery, the first question that pops in our mind is whether the surgery is safe. Read on to find out the answer to your worry.
How safe is Hair Transplant Surgery?
The truth is that a hair transplant surgery is always performed with the highest regard for patient safety, and there are many reasons why it is considered one of the safest cosmetic procedures. First off, it's important to remember that when we talk about "hair transplant" we are not talking about transplanting an entire head of hair but rather individual follicular units or grafts that will be placed in a strategic position on your scalp. This way you can take advantage of having more hair while retaining your natural look. Due to this process, even if there were any complications or side effects they would be easily noticed and corrected through proper maintenance.
In some respects, common side effects occur like swelling, infection, or bleeding. But if conducted with precision and accuracy, you won't face any of these side effects.
Can you still go bald after a hair transplant?
All hair transplants are not the same. While some surgeons just transplant a small amount of donor hair, others have perfected techniques that maximize results while minimizing complications and side effects. This is why many people believe that getting the best surgeon matters when considering to undergo this procedure. Because you're going through such an invasive process, it's important to find a doctor who cares about your well-being rather than someone who will do the cheapest procedure possible and make more money off of you in the long run.
The truth is: if done correctly, you can never go bald with a permanent hair system!
For many people who suffer from hair loss or thinning hair due to genetics, stress, aging, or other factors they are often at a crossroads as to whether or not they should pursue a treatment such as this since it is always considered an invasive procedure. It's important to understand though that if left untreated the condition could only worsen until it becomes difficult for an individual to cover up with hats and headscarves. That's why many men and women decide to go through with this procedure in order to feel better about themselves again.
It's been over 15 years since Dr. V.S. Rathore first began performing his unique follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique for permanent hair.
If you are looking for someone who can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to undergo a hair transplant procedure in order to address your thinning hair problem then look no further than Dr. V.S. Rathore. You can visit his website at drvsrathore.com to find out more information before making an appointment!