Is Covid-19 Stress Resulting in Hair Loss?
Covid-19 pandemic has been the worst pandemic in world history after the Spanish Flu. It has resulted in emotional, financial and physical losses for everyone. The havoc that has been caused by coronavirus is so heart wrenching and difficult to sustain. Every day the stress levels of persons are growing at a faster rate and it is difficult to analyze the fact that Is Covid-19 stress resulting in hair loss?
According to recent studies and statistics, the medical community believes that the physical and emotional stress that comes with the patients of COVID-19 possibly will lead to a reversible hair loss condition which can be termed as telogen effluvium. It will not be wrong to say that whenever a person experiences something stressful, it imbalances the hormone production inside the body which in turn results in hair loss over a period of time. This coronavirus pandemic has given rise to several complaints from patients about frequent hair loss and there is a high demand for hair fall control therapies.
As nations are adopting the stay-home policy stringently, the stress levels keep on rising every single day. Whether it is facing the compromised health of a loved one, home-schooling kids along with working from home, never-ending financial struggles nearly everyone is dealing with stress in some way or form. The disruption of the daily routines and the rising uncertainty of what’s to come in future are undoubtedly stressful, and not to mention these spiked stress levels can disrupt your hair’s natural growth cycle, which can lead to extreme flaking and hair loss.
What Makes You Think that Stress and Hair Loss is utterly related?
Physical or emotional stress, illness, injury and surgery are prime contributors to growing hair fall mechanism. Stress can have a direct or indirect impact on your hair follicles and can contribute to hair loss. Sometimes the hair fall can start around 6-12 weeks after a stressful incident.
What can be the possible types of hair loss due to stress?
Telogen Effluvium
In Telogen effluvium disease, the hair follicles move to the resting or telogen phase due to excessive stress. At normal instances, about 5-10 % of hair is always in the resting phase. But with telogen effluvium condition, the percentage exceeds and more than 100 strands are lost every day.
Trichotillomania or the hair-pulling disorder can be caused due to tremendous stress, fretfulness, depression, boredom and annoyance. A person involves in pulling out hair from scalp, eyebrows and lashes which is followed by thinning of hair on the scalp.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is a condition where there are bald patches of hair on the scalp due to stress. In this condition, the body’s immune system hits its hair follicles.
How Can You Control the Level of Hair Fall due to Stress?
Home Remedies and Oil treatments:
Castor oil is an effectual home remedy for hair loss and can be adopted by both men and women. Frequent oiling once or twice a week can help you manage your stress and hair loss.
Stress Management Techniques
You can try out some simple yoga, meditation and breathing exercises daily which will surely help to manage your stress levels.
Exercise releases the polluting chemicals from your body which in turn helps in managing stress. A fit body and calm mind can undo hair loss because of stress.
Positive Thinking
Having an optimistic outlook towards life can help in effective stress management. You should try to surround yourself with positive people and thoughts always.
Consult a Therapist
Don't hesitate to talk to your therapist about effective methods to diminish and avoid stress.
Don't forget to maintain a steady and nutritious diet which can help to end all of your hair fall and stress problems.
Adopt a Hair Care Routine for Yourself
Schedule routine hair care for you which will not only contribute towards your hair fall minimization but also will decrease your stress levels.
Go for Hair Transplant
If nothing works as a solution, try out the hair transplant methods which will surely help in stress management and hair restoration.
Well!! If you are worried enough about your hair fall problems due to excessive stress because of Covid-19, do schedule an appointment with Dr V.S Rathore.
To give a brief history of him, Dr Rathore is completely focused on a careful calculation of procedures required to help patients with their hair loss problems and boost their self-confidence. With almost 18 years of experience and almost 9000 successful surgeries and 2100 hair transplants, he is certainly the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.
You can certainly rely on him for managing the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. If you are worried on how to improve your appearance, build self-esteem, regain your natural look that has been lost due to stress and hair fall during this lockdown, you certainly need to shift your focus on looking out for the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata. The methods adopted are much cost and time effective. The best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata can ensure you look more handsome and elegant when you are back to the office after the corona ends.
Lastly, Is Covid-19 stress resulting in hair loss? Follow our updates for more information on stress management and hair fall control during these difficult times of Covid-19.