How Much Do You Know About Dimple Creation Surgery?
On meeting a person for the first time, the first thing that catches our eye is their smile. A bright smile flatters your personality and can have a positive impact on the person in front of you. And what is more attractive than a smile? The dimple on your cheek. But the question is- How Much Do You Know About Dimple Creation Surgery?
Many people consider a dimple on the cheek attractive. While some are born with it, some are not so lucky. Those who are not so lucky would always want to get a dimple on their cheek. Now, with dimple creation surgery you can make your wish come true. Yes, you read that right. We will delve into the details of the surgery in this article. How Much Do You Know About Dimple Creation Surgery?
What are Dimples?
This may come as a surprise to you, but dimples are actually considered a defect is known as Zygomaticus Major. This condition causes a slight dent in the cheeks or chin. Cheek dimples can be present on both cheeks, which become prominent while smiling. The dimple on the chin is single and is not so prominent.
So, now you have a reason to be happy that you are not born with any defects, right? But there is a way you can get those cute dimples on your cheeks.
How to get Dimples if you are not Born with them?
Dimple creation surgery or dimpleplasty is a plastic surgery through which dimples are created either on your chin or cheek. Consulting an experienced plastic surgeon will help you clear all your doubts. Once you find a reputable surgeon, he will understand your medical history, and get some blood tests done. After that, he will determine whether you are fit for the surgery or not.
You can choose the position of the dimples. You have complete control over the position and depth of the pimples. The procedure will not take more than an hour.
The dimple surgery doesn't look artificial at all, it will look like you were born with them. This is a very common procedure adopted by celebrities and common people alike. The neighbour you envy because of her perfect dimples may also have undergone a dimple creation surgery. Now you know the secret.
The aftercare of the surgery is similar to any other surgery. However, you do not need to rest for a week or two. You can immediately go home after the surgery. Mild swelling and pain are common. Your surgeon will inform you about the aftercare in detail.
Before you go for dimple creation surgery, you should seek the advice of an expert and experienced professional. When you know an expert is performing the surgery, you can be assured that nothing will go wrong. Dr V. S. Rathore is the best surgeon for cosmetic surgery in Kolkata. Dr Rathore has a highly trained team under him who understand your needs. Putting patients' needs on top is our sole priority. Our clinic has the most advanced state-of-the-art equipment and machines. Some of our most popular services include Hair Transplants, Pimple Removal, Liposuction, Nose Jobs, Body Contouring, and Laser Surgery to name a few. You can book an appointment with us for a consultation.