Hair Transplant V/S. Hair Weaving
Hair transplant vs hair weaving are both modern techniques to treat hair baldness. Hair transplant is a surgical process where the hair follicles are removed from one part of the body called the 'donor site' to a bald part of the body called the 'recipient site'. Whereas, Hair weaving is a non-surgical procedure where hair extensions are attached to the existing hair. Both of them are entirely different processes with different advantages. Let's find out which is better between the two- Hair transplant vs hair weaving
Hair Transplant vs. Hair Weaving
Hair loss can be very stressful and make people feel less confident leading to alow self-esteem. Various problems from pollution, heritage, hormonal changes, medications and much more cause hair fall. Many people are on the run for restoring their crowning glory. In the modern world, there have been many techniques that have been invented to help people with the hair problems they have been facing. Such methods include hair transplant and hair weaving. Although they serve the same purpose, there is a considerable difference among both of them.
- Hair transplant is a surgical treatment while hair weaving is non-surgical where natural or artificial hair is simply attached to the existing hair a person has.
- Hair transplant can be considered as more expensive as the person has to undergo a surgery which involves hospitalization, whereas hair weaving does not involve many expenses.
- Hair transplant offers a permanent solution. Hair weaving is mostly temporary.
- Hair transplant is mainly chosen by men who want to compensate for their male-pattern baldness. Hair weaving is usually chosen by both genders for hair thinning.
- Although both are safe, hair weaving has the image of being safer as there are no surgery and side effects involved.
- Hair weaving is an instant solution while hair transplant is not instant and we have to wait till the hair grows.
- Hair transplant is a one time process while hair weaving is temporary and has to be done from time to time.
Hair Transplant
In this procedure, mostly, individual hair follicles containing 1 to 4 hairs are removed from the donor site under local anaesthesia and injected into the recipient site. There is generally a few days of hospitalization. It is almost similar to natural hair and does not need much maintenance.
Hair Weaving
It is a non-surgical procedure where the hair is attached to the existing hair by using techniques like pasting, fusion, hair bonding and netting. Hair weaving involves weaving or braiding human or synthetic hair on a person's scalp. They are woven in the roots of the natural hair to give a natural look.
Dr V.S Rathore
Dr Rathore has been in the field of cosmetic surgery since 2003. For more than 18 years, he has recorded by performing more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants. During all these years, he has been fulfilling his patient's needs by carefully and precisely carrying out the procedures and has to lead them to lead a better and confident life.
He was inspired to become a surgeon after witnessing patients suffer from difficulties of getting surgery. He finished his Master of Surgery in general surgery and M.Ch in plastic surgery in Kolkata Medical College. He is also a former professor in Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata.