Hair Loss and Stress: Are They Related?
Hair loss, a common problem stressing out people of all ages, is actually related to stress? The answer is yes, absolutely. For most people experiencing hair fall, it is usually due to stress. Stress causes a whole lot of changes in the body that leads to many problems and hair fall is one on the top of the list. There are mainly three types of hair loss that are related to stress.
Hair Fall related to Stress
The three main hair loss types that are related to stress are Alopecia Areata, Telogen effluvium and Trichotillomania. For Telogen Effluvium, high levels of stress pushes significant amount of hair follicles into a resting phase. These hair will fall during simple activities like washing and combing. The final type, Trichotillomania, is a peculiar type where the person has an irresistible urge to pull out hair from areas of the body like eyebrows and scalp. This is usually due to emotional stress.
Stress can be caused by anything deferring from person to person. Stress does not only come from big things like loss of job but can also result from the build up of small pressures. Stress impacts a lot on health. It can lead to many serious malfunctions of the body like high blood pressure,cardiovascular diseases and anxiety. It also causes problems which are visibly appearing on the outside like weight loss or weight gain and hair fall. Hence it is very important to know how to manage stress and take everything on the positive note.
Any hair that is lost due to stress has the ability to grow back. This hair loss is not permanent and so do not worry and add even more stress. Working on lowering stress levels and relaxing the mind and body along with healthy diet will surely bring back most of the hair so stay positive and stress-free. Exercising, drinking plenty of water, having sound and adequate sleep, practicing yoga and meditation and involving in activities will definitely help in coping stress and for leading an optimistic lifestyle. Although it is true that all these are easier said than done, it is not impossible. Consulting a doctor for professional advice is one best way to know which path to go to completely reverse all those hair loss. I hope through this blog you will be able to identify Hair Fall related to Stress
Dr. V.S Rathore
Since 2003, Dr. V.S Rathore has been in the field of cosmetic surgery. For the past 18 years, he has successfully performed more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants. He has strived by using his knowledge in cosmetology to build the confidence in people and make their lives better.
He finished his Master of Surgery in general surgery and M.Ch in plastic surgery in Kolkata Medical College. He is also a former professor in Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata. Being inspired to become a surgeon after witnessing many traumatic stories, he continues to work hard for the well being of his patients.