Hair Fall and Dandruff in Summer
The summer heat is dreaded amongst many for various reasons. The heat strokes, power cuts, sun burns are just a few problems in summer among many. One of the problems which is slightly neglected is the problem of hair fall and dandruff in summer. The scalp gets itchy in the hot weather conditions, the humidity causes hair fall and overall the health of one’s hair seems to be declining; the culprit being the summer season. India being a tropical country experiences intense temperatures thus adding to the problem. Why is dandruff more prominent in summer? Why is hair fall common in hot temperatures? How to overcome these issues? These might be your questions about hair fall and dandruff in summer. Read ahead to find answers and solutions to these questions.
Hair Fall in Summer:
You might notice that your hair fall is more prominent in the months of summer than in any other part of the year. This happens due to seasonal hair loss. This happens due to the affect of intense heat on the hair which can cause the hair to become brittle and dry. You might go swimming to escape the summer heat, which also is a cause of hair fall as most of the swimming pools contain chlorine. This chlorination of the water also negatively affects your hair. One other reason is that the hair follicles which last all the year fall out in summer as they are not needed against the sun.
- Hormones: Even our hormones play a role in the process of hair fall in summer. The level of testosterone falls down in one’s body in summer compared to the seasons of spring and autumn. This drop in the level of the hormone testosterone causes hair loss. Testosterone is also present in women in small quantities against the popular belief. Hence hormone changes are also a factor contributing to hair loss.
- Sun Burns: Sun burns are a common phenomenon in summer. You may burn your scalp if exposed to the rays of the sun for an extended period of time. The UV rays given out by the sun may deprive your hair from any moisture and turn it brittle and dry. This is also a prominent cause of hair fall in summer. Wearing protective gear, a cap or a hat is advised to avoid this problem.
- Hair Dryers: Using dryers, hair conditioners when used in summer do more damage to your hair than when used in any other season. They make your hair weak and easily prone to damage. It is best to avoid relying on the dryers and hair conditioners in summers.
- Sweat: It is not unknown that we sweat more than usual in the months of summer. Our sweat contains lactic acid and our hair contains keratin. When both of these chemicals come into contact it leads to breakage of hair causing hair fall. Sweat on the scalp can also lead to yeast infections and cause an itchy scalp. Sweat makes the hair strands dehydrated and thus weakens the hair. This is the main reason of hair fall in summer.
Dandruff in Summer:
Dandruff causes the skin on the scalp to flake. It makes the skin on the scalp itchy. Dandruff is usually triggered by a fungus called malassezia. Dandruff is not a serious condition but it is definitely not worth the itchiness and the embarrassment.
- Malassezia globose: This is the microbe responsible for causing dandruff. Hot and humid conditions are perfect for this microbe to grow and thrive. Hence summer conditions are the perfect environment for this microbe, thus, dandruff is prominent in summer. The sweat on the scalp contributes to the flaring up of dandruff.
- Oily Skin: Having a naturally oily scalp is also a cause of dandruff. This causes an irritated scalp thus leading to scratching. Scratching of the scalp flares up the already existing dandruff. Hence maintaining a healthy scalp is important to avoid dandruff.
- Hair Products: During summer, because of the intense heat, we tend to wash our hair more. Our hair may experience sensitivity to the various chemicals in these products thus causing dandruff and hair loss. This is similar to contact dermatitis.
How to Prevent Dandruff and Hair Loss?
There are many methods to prevent the falling of hair and prevent dandruff as well. One needs to take good care of their hair and nourish it well. Here are some methods to prevent hair loss and dandruff:
- Good Hygiene: Wash your hair for about 3 times a week with a proper shampoo that suits your skin type. Brush your hair everyday to avoid damage and hair fall. Hair fall mainly occurs due to bad hygiene of hair. Not brushing the hair everyday leads to breakage in hair strands and causes split ends. Gently massage your hair while washing it instead of scratching your scalp. This will help prevent the flaring up of dandruff.
- Yoga: Yoga and regular exercise will help prevent hair loss as yoga helps in increasing the blood flow to the scalp. It will keep your scalp in a healthy condition free of any hair fall. Exercise has many benefits to your overall health not just to the health of your scalp. Hence, regular exercise is recommended.
- Lessen your Stress: As surprising as it may sound, stress is the main cause of hair fall in many adults. Being under constant emotional turmoil causes the weakening of your hair. Try mediation to ease your stress levels. Time off your work is also helpful to help with your stress. Don’t let stress take over your hair!
- Eat Healthy: An unhealthy diet without balanced nutrition intake is also a major cause of hair fall. Eat more protein to help with diet related hair loss. Iron and vitamin B intake should also be high to maintain the health of your hair. Hence, eat all your vegetables and try eating junk or outside food as much as you can.
- Oil Your Hair: Oiling your hair frequently helps preventing hair loss and dandruff. Coconut oil helps in making your hair stronger and healthier. Form a hair care routine and stick to it if you want healthy and thick hair. Keeping your scalp in check is important for maintaining your hair in good condition.
The above mentioned methods are very effective in solving the problem of hair fall and dandruff in summer.
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