Gender Reassignment Surgery In Kolkata: Cherish The New You!
According to national records, nearly 11,000 transgender IDs have been issued as of March 2023. This is just a tiny figure of the total trans population estimated to be half a million since the 2011 census. As per a study report by the International Institute of Population Science (IIPS), West Bengal has nearly 14.43% transgender citizens. We all know, in the year 2014, our Supreme Court passed a law to safeguard transgenders from maltreatment. Restoring their quality of life as other genders. Since then, slowly steadily Gender Reassignment Surgery in Kolkata and the whole of India has taken a swing.
Understanding of Gender Reassignment Surgery
If you feel your identity is trapped in the wrong body, Sex reassignment surgery will help you to cherish the new you. The surgery is divided into two terms Male to Female Surgery and Female to Male Surgery. Wondering what's informative in it? Well, I prefer to share in detail. Read on to know in detail.
1. Male-to-Female Gender Reassignment Surgery
This physical transformation includes breast augmentation surgery, orchiectomy(removal of testicles), penectomy(removal of the penis), vaginoplasty(construction of vagina), and other facial cosmetic surgeries like jawline feminization, and facial tissue softening.
2. Female-to-Male Gender Reassignment Surgery
This surgery includes mastectomy (removal of breasts), hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), phalloplasty (construction of a penis), Rhinoplasty, also certain bodily hormonal incisions for a desired look.
Debunking Myths of Gender Reassignment Surgery
Fear of societal acceptance has barred several individuals from living freely as they wish to; for decades now. On top of that hovers uncertainty and fear of the surgical outcome. Here are some myths uncovered for your understanding —
1. Use of Artificial Substance
Other than Body Fillers, neophallus, and synthetic implants for breast augmentation rest of all the procedures are done using your skin tissues and tweaking your internal organs.
2. A Quick Fix for Gender Dysphoria
Gender dysphoria requires a multidisciplinary approach. It is not a standalone solution to gender affirmation. You need to surpass psychological therapy, hormonal therapy along with surgical support.
3. Sex Reassignment Surgery is only for binary gender transition
No, My Friend! Don’t refrain from savoring the transition without undergoing the whole process. There are many individuals who wish to cherish partial change without having major sex change surgery. There are various gender affirmation procedures that will leverage you with the feeling you suppressed for a long.
4. The Surgery is Costly and is best performed in Foreign
Yes, it is true the surgery is costly. But it is way too cheaper if compared to foreign countries. On average, the cost for such surgery ranges from 5000-10000 USD in India. It also varies from clinic to clinic, doctor to doctor.
5. Anyone can undergo the surgery
Let me give you a reality check. A BIG NO! You have to withstand a list of testimonials to finally avail of the surgery. It includes approval from two psychiatrists and psychologists and certification from a gynecologist and endocrinologist.
Now that you have ideation of gender reassignment surgery, let me share with you some insights on the benefit of availing of this surgery in Kolkata.
Why Choose Kaayakalp for Gender Reassignment Surgery in Kolkata
1. Affordable
Kolkata is the most cost-effective state in India. Hence overall living in the state is pretty affordable. This also has a positive effect on the medical facilities. If you are hoping to undergo the procedure this is the best affordable place to love yourself the exactly you wish to.
2. Confidentiality
We respect the privacy of our patients. Living the way one dreams of has been a distant dream for people from the LGBTQ community, they have buried their feelings for a long and have suffered being bullied. But be rest assured, as one of the trusted organizations in Kolkata, we take pride in offering the best medical support and maintaining complete secrecy.
3. Advanced Technology
Medical science is always evolving. We incorporate advanced machinery to help our patients undergo the GRS procedure with ease. Our expert doctors are well-trained and proficient in handling the equipment along with their knowledge to deliver the best possible results.
4. Qualified Surgeons
Scroll around the internet, Indians are excelling in every sector, throughout the world. We believe learning is a neverending phenomenon. And our doctors have cultivated themselves with medical advancements.
5. Transparency
We don't just operate on you. We examine and also evaluate your system. You will get a green card only if you meet all the medical margins. We prefer giving our patients real hope. As such surgeries are not like insta-noodle you too should never pose unrealistic hopes.
Bottom Line…
It is obvious there are hundreds of individuals till-date, afraid of opening up themselves due to social stigma. But look around, you will find many in your support too. Recently the SC has declared an alternate list of social addressing to women and transgender citizens.
So, if you wish to discover the new you and live your life to the fullest; if you wish to undergo complete gender reassignment surgery in Kolkata or get partial cosmetic surgery, visit our website to find what we are best at. Connect with us for a free consultation and also discover your scope. Here’s your Dr. V.S. Rathore signing off! Have a wonderful life ahead!