Gender Reassignment Surgery: How Does it Work?
Many people feel uncomfortable in their own bodies. They feel that they don’t belong to their body. They strongly feel that their gender does not match their biology. This is called Gender Dysphoria. Let us discuss Gender Reassignment Surgery: How Does it Work?
People opting for Gender Reassignment Surgery often experience Gender Dysphoria. It’s a feeling of anxiety, dissatisfaction, and restlessness. For some people, gender dysphoria begins in childhood, while others may not experience it till their puberty or afterward. Studies suggest that gender dysphoria results from changes in gender development due to hormonal imbalances. People who suffer from Gender Dysphoria undergo Gender Reassignment Surgery as it is the most effective treatment for treatment.
Gender reassignment surgery has many names- gender affirmation surgery, sex reassignment surgery, sex reassignment, or sex-change surgery. Regardless of the names, through this surgery transgender people change their genitalia to match their gender identity. Gender reassignment surgery is a life-altering procedure, hence it is very different from other cosmetic surgeries out there. The process does not happen overnight but requires months of mental preparation, lifestyle changes, counseling, and hormone therapy.
How does Gender Reassignment Surgery works?
The surgery can take different forms. It depends on your preference. The removal of breasts is known as Mastectomy, and any surgery in the Genital area is the bottom surgery.
- Female to Male Surgery – This surgery is for people who are biologically female but identify themselves as male. Many females feel trapped in their bodies and feel uncomfortable in the body that they are born in. The journey of the surgery starts with hormone therapy. One has to undergo Testosterone Replacement therapy before having the surgery. Chest restructuring, removal of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, scrotoplasty are some of the surgery options you can go for. Many people are comfortable with just a top surgery which is the mastectomy, but many go for the bottom surgery as well.
- Male to Female Surgery – Those who are biologically male but identify as female go for the Male to Female surgery. This surgery involves multiple surgeries. Also, hormone therapy is continued. Genital surgery involves the removal of male sex organs and the creation of female sex organs. For the creation of female sex organs, both internal and external organs are created by surgery. Other aspects of this surgery include enhancing feminine features, getting rid of unwanted body hair, reshaping the body and face, etc.
Steps before a Gender Reassignment Surgery-
- The first and most important step before getting surgery is Gender Identification. The person has to identify themselves as belonging to one of the two sexes, after which one can undergo surgery to become more like that sex. The identification can be done by them after they reach a certain age.
- Once they identify with a particular sex, it’s important to prepare themselves mentally before undergoing surgery. Psychologically, it might take a toll on the person after the surgery is done. Many doctors advise going for a year of counselling before undergoing the surgery.
- Like all other surgeries, this surgery also requires a decent medical history. Your doctor will alert you about the side-effects if you have any certain medical conditions. You should maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle to avoid any complications post-surgery. The first thing that comes to one’s mind while planning to go for the surgery is- how painful is the surgery? Gender reassignment surgery changes your genitalia. It is major surgery, and like any major surgery, it can lead to complications if not done properly. The answer to the question is based on subjective experience. Some people have high pain tolerance than others. Some common problems that one experiences post-surgery include pain, general discomfort, and bruising.
- This surgery will completely change you physically, and mentally. You will go through a sea of emotions to finally be who you always wanted to be. This is a life-changing surgery for any people, they rediscover themselves after the surgery. Studies have shown that quality of life has significantly improved among people post-surgery. Many consider it a fresh start to their life because feeling comfortable in your own body is a positive and rewarding experience.
Years of experience in performing complicated surgeries like Gender Reassignment Surgery have made Dr. V. S. Rathore the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata. For more than 18 years patients have been putting their trust in him which has only resulted in successful surgeries and satisfied patients. He treats every patient’s concern with priority. There is a team of dedicated and expert surgeons that work under him. Gender Reassignment Surgery: How Does it Work? This surgery will completely change you physically, and mentally. To give patients' the best experience is the mission. Don’t be trapped in your body, visit us today to get a guided consultation from our team of experts. Our popular services include Hair Transplant Surgery, Liposuction, Laser Treatment, Body Contouring, Nose Job, Chin Surgery. Visit drvsrathore.com to know more about the services we offer.