Few FAQ’s About Hair Transplant
Hair transplants have become a popular option in the market for treating extreme hair issues. But that does not lessen the nervousness about it for people who are having thoughts of trying it out. Modern pieces of equipment have got your back for most of the medical concerns. But there are still few FAQ's about hair transplant you might want to know about before deciding.
Popular FAQ’S
Will it be Painful?
For this popular question that arises because of the steps of the surgery, we have a pleasant surprise, it does not hurt. Modern pieces of machinery have done their part to make surgeries as easy as possible. To replace the pain, there might be a little discomfort that you might have to endure but it is pretty bearable.
Will there be Scarring?
Scarring is a common concern. Not much scarring occurs and as your hair grows, it would not be visible. Any scarring that is too obvious is abnormal and consent your surgeon.
When will the Hair Start to Grow?
This is the part where you have to be patient and let your body do its work. The process of hair growth is totally subjected to the individual. But on a rough estimate, you will start seeing visible signs within a few months. The full effect might take nearly a year. Is it Permanent?
Hair transplants are supposed to be permanent. Although the transplanted hair is fine most of the time, your natural hair might still face hair loss. For this, you can take up the option of repeating the surgery many years later.
What is Downtime?
To cope with the harsh lifestyles, hair transplants have minimal downtime. They only need your time for a few days and after you have given enough rest, you are good to go. But, it is advised not to overexert for at least two weeks like avoiding going to the gym or any heavy physical activity.
Is Hair Transplant Suitable for Me?
This is a question that is absolutely necessary before you even proceed to have further thoughts. Although most people are suitable for a transplant, check with your doctor if your body, hair loss type and level can support it.
What to do if the results are not satisfactory?
Most surgeries end on a positive note. But we can never guarantee complete success. A successful surgery involves a lot of factors from your body’s response to how well you take care of your post transplanted hair. There are always other options or touch up procedures in the market which might help your hair problems.
Research as much as you can before by preparing a few FAQ's about hair transplant. Make yourself known what a hair transplant really is and also make sure you are ready for it.
DR. V.S Rathore
Dr Rathore, a leading cosmetology surgeon in Kolkata has been rendering his services in the various fields of cosmetology since 2003. He has been working for the betterment of his patients and boosting their confidence with the help of his knowledge for more than 18 years. As a leading cosmetology surgeon who has performed more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants, he is continuing to strive for the well being of his patients with pride.