Does The Weather Affect A Hair Transplant?
A common concern that people who get a hair transplant have is whether the weather will affect their hair transplant. It’s a good idea to consider every aspect and possibility before committing to a hair transplant. These include the cost, time for recovery, post-surgery care, and the weather you get your hair transplant in.
There are many things that aren’t in our control, and the weather is one of them. Therefore, make sure that you’re completely aware of the whole procedure and the ideal conditions to have it in. In this blog, I’ll be taking you through how the weather affects a hair transplant and the right weather to get a hair transplant in.
How Does Hot Weather Affect A Hair Transplant?
During the hot months, people sweat extra amounts so much so that perspiration can be seen dripping from all over their bodies. If you lead a more active lifestyle, you’ll sweat all the more. Once you get a hair transplant however, you worry about whether the sweat will affect your post-surgery scalp, which hinders you from carrying out activities that cause you to sweat more.
As a word of consolation, sweating will not hamper the results of your hair transplant and it will not extend your recovery time. All you have to ensure is that you keep your scalp clean. For safety purposes and on the off chance that something unpleasant might happen, patients are advised to stay away from any kind of exercise or exposure to the sun for a few days after getting a hair transplant. It is also advisable to apply sunscreen on the areas where the surgery took place before being under the sun and wearing a hat to protect your scalp from the deleterious rays of the sun. Make sure that your hat doesn’t rub against your surgery scars for the first 7 to 10 days, as the wounds are still fresh then.
More than sweat, it’s poor hygiene practices and harmful rays from the sun that influence the results of your surgery.
How Does Cold Weather Affect A Hair Transplant?
Cold weather has no effects on how fast you recover from a hair transplant, or the quality of it. You still have to protect your scalp from outside elements for the first few days after getting it as the wound is still fresh. You can, as mentioned above, put on a hat, and also be sure not to wear clothes over your head that’ll rub against the scars. Wear loose clothes like hoodies, and these are perfectly appropriate for cold weather so it’s a win-win situation!
What Is The Best Weather To Get A Hair Transplant?
Without question, the best weather for a hair transplant is during the cold seasons, like when it’s rainy. Your scalp generally stays clear because most of your time is spent indoors snuggled up on your laptop. You get to stay in and wait for your grafts to grow out before stepping outdoors again without feeling like you’re missing out on anything because everyone is staying indoors at that time.
At the end of the day, the biggest difference is made by the care you show your scalp. Make sure to stay healthy and follow the instructions given to you by your doctor, and you’ll be ready to face the world with beautiful healthy looking hair in no time!
With nearly 20 years of experience, our expert surgeon Dr. V.S.Rathore has accomplished incredible results for patients! One thing clients love is that we care about them as people not just a patient with hair loss problems. Our work here at Kaayakalp Clinic shows how much we value you by making your quality of life better. We believe all lives deserve to live to their fullest and it's important to always have kindness as well as dedication in everything we do.
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