Does the hair in the Donor Area Grow Back?
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are moved from one part of the scalp to another. This may be done with either a strip or individual follicular units. One question that arises often among people who plan on going in for Hair Transplant is "Does the hair in the donor area grow back?" To explain this one must first understand what causes hair loss and what happens during a hair transplant.
Any individual suffering from extreme hair loss can go for Hair Transplant. Hair loss can result from a variety of reasons - Alopecia Areata, Stress, hormonal imbalance, etc. Sometimes the hair loss is so extreme that it can leave behind bald patches. Hair transplantation helps in solving this problem as well.
In the surgery, a donor area is chosen from where the hair is transplanted. This area usually has a thick growth of hair. A donor area should be chosen from the patient’s body only, a different person cannot volunteer to be the donor.
Depending upon the type of surgery you are going for, the hair follicles are transplanted either individually or in a strip. The surgery will take 4-6 hours. After the successful completion of the surgery, you will notice small dots, the new hair follicles.
How is the donor area used in Hair Transplant procedure?
In the process of Hair Transplant, a donor area is chosen from where the hair follicles are extracted and transferred to the recipient side.
During FUE hair transplant, for example, the entire donor area is used. The surgeon harvests every single follicle from the frontal and top of scalp and then transplants it into the balding part of the head (recipient site). In FUT hair transplant, also known as Strip Surgery, a long strip of skin containing hair follicles is removed from the back or side of scalp. At times, only half may be removed to avoid permanent scarring at the back/side region.
The back of the head or side is usually considered for donor area as these areas do not experience severe hair fall. The rate of extraction depends on how many hair follicles are being removed, and thus varies from person to person. The area is shaved before the follicles are extracted. The entire procedure is carried out under anesthesia.
How to take care of the donor area?
Before the transplant you should shampoo the area well and keep the area from from any kind of infection. The hair will be trimmed before the surgery.
It is extremely important that you take care of the donor area after the transplant. You must maintain and take care of the donor area to ensure better results for yourself! To ensure that your hair will grow back after Hair Transplant, you must:
- Shower early in the morning, so that your head can dry gradually & hence less chance of infection
- Use medicated or your surgeon approved shampoo and products
- During the first 3 months don't exercise much or massage your scalp
- Use protective covering to protect the donor area whenever you go out in heat or dust
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a few months to let the area heal properly
- Avoid using hair sprays and gels that might dry your scalp
- Use the medications as prescribed by your surgeon
- Do not use swimming pools or hot tubs for at least a month after Hair Transplant as there is greater chance of infection
After 6-9 months all the hair transplanted in the balding area will start growing. Initially, they will look like dots but slowly they'll start covering the entire bald patch.
Does the Hair grow back in the Donor area?
The hair that grows back in the donor area depends on the type of transplant you are opting for. Since the hair follicles are removed and transplanted in a different area, the hair will not grow from the removed follicle. It will be evident that there is a reduction in volume of hair.
In FUE, hair follicles are chosen individually, as a result, not all the hair follicles are removed. The follicles left behind will help in new hair growth after a few months.
This is why it is recommended that the area where there is dense hair growth should be picked as the donor area. The hair loss would then be barely noticeable.
Now that you know how a hair transplant can transform your life, it’s time to take the leap and bring back your crowning glory.
If you’re looking for a way to get your hair back and have no other options, then Dr. V.S. Rathore is the best option. He is deemed to be the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata and has an impressive track record of helping people with their hair problems over the years and he can help you too! There are many benefits associated with receiving a hair transplant from our clinic; we provide high-quality transplants that last for decades, there's minimal downtime after surgery, it requires the minimal medication or painkillers post-operation, and most importantly, it will give you back your confidence! The only thing left to do now is come visit us at one of our locations in Kolkata so we can start looking for your options together. To know more, visit our website