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P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Difference Between Hair Plugs and Hair Transplant

Modern science is always advancing in new ways to help people regain their lost hair from things like alopecia areata or male pattern baldness — which used to be irreversible conditions. With such an abundance of treatment methods for restoring one's locks, we know how important it is for those who suffer from complications such as these related issues--both mentally and physically—to find relief through innovative techniques today. This blog post will further talk about the difference between hair plugs and hair transplants. You'll learn the difference between a transplant and hair plugs, as well as more specific information on procedures such as FUE and FUT.

Hair Plugs

A plug transplant is an old procedure dating back to the 1950s which was used as a last resort for people with balding scalps. The process involved removing or punching out small, round pieces of scalp containing 20-30 individual hairs and then transferring them into areas where there are no longer any strands left - often in desperate hopes that it will help regain some coverage.

The hair plugs look like Barbie doll's hair. They are made from real human hairs, but they have a fake appearance because of their size and the gaps in between each plug.

Hair Transplant

Hair transplants have come a long way from the days of removing plugs. Modern-day hair transplant technology lets the surgeon take away individual follicles before implanting them, also called follicular units. This is much more precise and less painful than previous techniques that cut up to 20 hairs at once.

Transplantation of these follicular units makes for a more even look with the newly transplanted hair, allowing it to blend in naturally. It also results in better healing as opposed to that polka-dot appearance seen when using scalp plugs which would leave bald or sparse areas on the head. The donor site is indistinguishable from any other area of the head within just one week and will only have small red pinpricks left behind by the transplanting device once they fade away completely which looks natural too!

Types of Hair Transplants

The two main methods of hair transplantation used today are FUE and FUT. FUE refers to Follicular Unit Extraction, while FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplant.

  • FUE - The FUE transplant takes individual follicles of hair, extracts them from the thickest parts of your scalp, and reinserts them in areas you've outlined with a surgeon. All this is achieved through using pneumatic pressure to operate a wand that's less taxing than it would be for these follicles to be pulled out and then inserted again. There are no traumatic effects on surrounding tissue or any surgery done; stitches or staples will not even come close because there’s nothing but some slight discomfort when those hairs are being extracted and embedded back up at their new locations.
  • FUT– An FUT transplant is similar to an FUE. The technician extracts individual follicles from the back of a patient’s head and then surgically inserts these into their scalp in need of hair restoration. Unlike with an FUE, an entire strip of the donor's hair is extracted at one time instead of only taking out each follicle individually as they are needed for transplants.

Note - One downside of FUT that cannot be ignored is its resulting linear scar on the back of the head where the strip was removed during surgery. While it may not seem like much today when compared to other types of traditional hair transplantation, this type will leave an obvious line down from ear to ear.

Bottom Line

Hair transplants are a treatment option for hair that is visibly thinning, intending to restore it to its original thickness. When done by an experienced provider who understands how to create natural-looking designs, this procedure can lead to long-lasting results and satisfaction.

With nearly 20 years of experience, our expert surgeon Dr V.S. Rathore has accomplished incredible results for patients! One thing clients love is that we care about them as people not just a patients with hair loss problems. Our work here at Kaayakalp Clinic shows how much we value you by making your quality of life better. We believe all lives deserve to live to their fullest and it's important to always have kindness as well as dedication in everything we do.

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