Common Myths about Hair Transplant
Have you been struggling with hair loss? Have you considered a hair transplant to help remedy the problem? But everyone around you advised against hair transplant surgery? Do not worry! You're not alone in this. It's time to bust the common myths surrounding Hair Transplant Surgery that prevent people from taking this step.
The high cost of Hair Transplant Surgery is one of the most common reasons why people avoid it. However, if you visit the right clinic offering hair transplant surgery at an affordable price, you can have a good quality hair transplant at reasonable prices.
Common Myths about Hair Transplant Surgery
Myth: Hair Transplanted does not look natural as the transplanted hair will look like a wig
Fact: People often think that the first thing they notice when seeing someone after they have gotten a transplant is individual hairs attached in clumps or wigs. What you have to remember is that it takes time for new follicles to grow and make an impact on the appearance of your head.
You might feel that it's taking forever until you can see any changes, but it is because you need time for this delicate process to complete itself.
Myth: Hair Transplants are only for older people who have experienced significant balding
Fact: This is one of the biggest myths surrounding Hair Transplant Surgery. Most people believe that it's for older and more mature men only, but this isn't true.
Hairline restoration has expanded over time and today, younger patients are increasingly seeking out these procedures to fill in the gaps in their hairline and return to a more polished hairstyle. In fact, it is not uncommon for people who have suffered alopecia, be it male or female, during childhood – to come back later in life when their appearance has become a problem. It's never too late – to get a transplant today if you are suffering from male pattern baldness or female hair loss.
Myth: Hair Transplants take months (or years) to see results
Fact: Hair Transplant Surgery offers full coverage immediately after treatment which enables patients to carry out their normal day-to-day activities as soon as possible after the procedure has been completed.
It would take several months for your head to look like it did before you started losing your hair, but in the meantime, you can enjoy a healthy hybrid look that is different from what you had experienced before.
Myth: The results are only temporary – things will go back to what they were like before after a while
Fact: Actually, the results of Hair Transplant Surgery are permanent because once the transplanted hair grows out, there will be little difference between your original head of hair and what you get with this procedure done on top of it. What follows next is simply normal maintenance of whatever hair type that remains on your head.
So don't worry about doing anything extra because with today's methods-it's just easier to take care of healthy-looking hair than unhealthy looking (or no hair at all) hair!
We hope this blog helps you make a wise decision.
If you're still confused or have any questions in mind, feel free to ring us for a consultation with the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata, Dr. V.S Rathore. Dr. Rathore has years of experience as a cosmetic surgeon in the country and has made the lives of hundreds of patients better. Visit our website before it's too late!
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