Can You Change Your Appearance Through Hair Transplant?
Good hair is good mood; good mood is good day. Of course there is more to life than hair, but we will start from the good hair vibes. Most problems of people nowadays are regarding their hair. Baldness, excessive hair fall and hair thinning are some of the most common ones. And as we all know, hair transplants have become a common option in the market that people run to for restoring their hair. It is a surgical procedure but a minimally invasive one. Hair transplants have the ability to bring about drastic changes in one’s appearance overtime, especially when treated for baldness.
Hair transplants are a surgical procedures used for restoring male pattern baldness and excessive hair fall in women. Less common hair transplants include restoration of eyebrows, eyelashes, beard hair or chest hair. Sometimes it is also used to fill in scars caused by accidents.
It is performed by taking the hair follicles from a ‘donor site’ where the hair is healthy and injecting it into the ‘recipient site’ which is the bald or balding part. Common transplant methods are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant). Usually the hair follicles extracted are from parts of the head. But in certain cases where there are no suitable hair follicles in the head, there are also options for removing hair follicles from other parts of the body. This type of surgery is called BHT (Body Hair Transplant).
The hair that grows after a transplant will be almost identical to your natural hair. There would not be much changes in its texture. It would start growing in a few months, depending on a person. Losing hair can be extremely stressful. From giving an older appearance to lowering self confidence and self esteem, there are many negative mental issues that losing excess hair might cause a person.
Treating baldness might give a huge difference in one’s appearance. Of course for the better. Restoring hair loss will open up a whole world of options to flaunt your hair styles according to your look. Good hair speaks louder than words. Good hair always gives a boost of confidence, letting you lead your day.
Any treatment comes with its own set of risks. Being patient for results and following closely with your doctor’s advice is very important. Choosing a good and certified doctor is always best. Hair is the crown that you never take off. So invest in it wisely and take good care of it.
Dr. V.S Rathore is a leading cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata who has been in the field of cosmetology since 2003. He has successfully performed more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants in a span of 18 years. After finishing his Master of Surgery in general surgery and M.Ch in plastic surgery in Kolkata Medical College, he worked as a professor in the same before becoming a full time surgeon. Since then he has been dedicating his time and effort to make the lives of his patients better. He is continuing to strive and work hard for the betterment of his patients with his knowledge in cosmetology.