P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
P-158, C.I.T. Road, Kolkata 700 054
Breast Implant Surgery: Is It Safe?


The most common surgery of breasts for cosmetic purposes is Breast Implant Surgery, followed by a reduction in the size of the breast. While breast implants remain the most sought-after method of increasing the size of breasts, it is important to weigh their pros and cons. They are FDA-certified but also come with stringent regulations which are usually not followed by the majority of patients opting for breast implants. These laws are in place to ensure a safe post-operative phase. So, in this blog, we will discuss the potential side effects of breast surgery (some of which may even be fatal) so that you can be aware before you decide to get one done.

What are breast implants?

Before we discuss the risks of breast augmentation using breast Implant Surgery, here is a brief overview. 

Breast implants are prostheses (artificial devices). They are placed within the breast or breasts to increase their size. This cosmetic procedure also aims to enhance the shape, contour, and symmetry of breasts for a more visually attractive look. 

Usually, breast implants of two types: 

  • Silicone implants – The implant contains silicone gel 
  • Saline implants – The implant contains a sterile saline solution

However, there may be other types of breast implants too. These include implants made of gummy bears, soy oil, etc. However, these are very rarely used. 

They are also classified according to their shape and structure, such as:

  • Round breast implants
  • Smooth breast implants
  • Textured breast implants, etc.

Risks of breast augmentation:

Breast augmentation, i.e., enhancing breast size is generally achieved by inserting breast implants. These implants act as fillers that help achieve a desirable contour of the breasts. However, they are not exactly risk-free and pose certain hazards.

Here is a list of side effects that one may experience following the surgery of the breast for cosmetic purposes:

Complications associated with surgery – 

1. Bleeding:

Excessive bleeding may occur during surgery. This may lead to a fatal outcome. Usually, women suffering from heart diseases, blood clotting disorders, hypertension, or diabetes, or those who take birth control pills or blood thinners regularly are prone. 

2. Anaesthetic reactions:

Some women may show adverse reactions to the anesthesia. These reactions may range from skin rashes to severe allergies or even respiratory troubles. 

3. Scar formation:

Hypertrophic scars or keloids may form at the site of the surgery, which may be the outer margin of the areola or below the breast. 

4. Infection:

This may occur anytime after the surgery because of either of the following reasons – 

  1. Faulty sterilization of the surgical instruments and or the operating room
  2. Faulty aftercare by the patient
  3. Weakened immune system due to underlying co-morbidities

Complications associated with breast implants –

1. Pain:

It is normal to experience temporary pain following your breast implant surgery. It usually lasts for 2-3 weeks. You may also feel a tight sensation in your chest which will gradually resolve. The surgeon will prescribe the necessary medications to help cope with your symptoms. 

If the pain and tightness persist for over a month, you need to schedule an appointment with your surgeon. 

2. Bruising:

There may be bruising of the area around your nipple. It reduces after a few weeks. 

3. Scarring:

A small scar will form around the surgical site. Usually, this is hidden by the breast itself and is inconspicuous. 

4. Rupture:

In very rare cases, the implant may rupture causing the contents to leak out into the breast tissue. While a saline implant rupture poses no serious side effects as the solution is absorbed by the body harmlessly, a silicone implant rupture can cause severe symptoms. 

5. Hard lumps:

This is a consequence of silicone implant rupture. Silicone gel leaks out into surrounding areas of the breast tissue forming lumps. Sometimes, it may migrate to nearby lymph nodes causing swelling and hardening of these nodes. 

6. Infection:

This may either be due to a weak immune system or a leakage of the implant. If not detected early, it may spread to the entire body. 

7. Puckering and wrinkling of surrounding skin:

Scar tissue naturally forms following the insertion of a breast implant. This is a defense mechanism of the body that isolates the implant and secures it. however, if the reaction is severe, extensive scar tissue may form leading to wrinkling and puckering of the surrounding skin. This gives the breast an unsightly appearance. Apart from this, it causes hardening of the breast around the implant.

8. Cancer:

Studies have found an association between certain types of cancer with breast implants. These include breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and BIA squamous cell carcinoma (BIA-SCC). 

What are the chances of complications from breast implants?

There is a 1% chance of complications from breast implants. Even though this may look like an insignificant number, breast surgery side effects have devastating consequences. 

In this aspect, it is important to remember that breast implants are not for permanent use. They have a shelf life of 10-15 years, following which they should be removed and replaced. Countless research has proved that the longer a breast implant remains in your body, the higher the chance of complications following surgery on the breast. Therefore, the FDA has stated the following rules to minimize risks.

  • Breast implant boxes should note down all risks and health hazards
  • Women opting for breast implants should go for a breast check-up and mammogram 5-6 years after their surgery, followed by every 2-3 years after that
  • Surgeons should clearly state every potential risk to patients in an understandable manner before the surgery
  • Breast implants should be replaced 10-15 years after their insertion or before (if any side effects develop)

Are breast implants a good idea?

Breast implants are a good idea if you have realistic expectations from the procedure. Routine check-ups according to FDA guidelines should be done even if you face no adverse symptoms. 94% of women fail to do this. This has led to a rise in breast implant-associated illnesses.

Read More Breast Augmentation In Kolkata- For A Confident You!

Dr V. S. Rathore:

Dr V. S. Rathore is an eminent breast surgeon in Kolkata. He ensures a safe approach toward every patient so that they get the best results without any major complications. His nearly two decades of experience and dedication make him the best breast augmentation surgeon in Kolkata. He uses the latest technologies and the best-quality tested implants. 

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