With the advancement in technologies, cosmetic technologies have expanded horizons to provide a very effective solution to most of the surface problems faced by people. Similarly, there are various cosmetic treatments to enhance the glow and restore the youthful appearance of the face. Facial rejuvenation resorts to performing this. The procedure involved can be both surgical as well as non-surgical.
The procedure varies according to invasiveness and the depth of treatment. In surgical procedures, through targeted procedures, facial restructuring and skin alterations facial symmetry can be restored, while non-surgical procedures involve treatment of localized facial concerns like wrinkles, skin laxity, hyperpigmentation and scars.
Non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments involve the use of chemical peels, neuromodulators, dermal fillers, etc. Botulinum toxin also referred to as Botox is a popularly used neuromodulator, and the procedure involving this is known as Botulinum facial rejuvenation.
What is Botulinum Facial Rejuvenation?
Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein produced by clostridium Botulinum and its related species. This bacterium is found naturally in soil, lakes, forests, and the intestinal tracts of mammals and fish. Botulinum toxins are of seven types: A-G. Botulinum toxins type A and type B are used for treatment purposes. Botox injections are popularly known for reducing wrinkles. It is also used to treat crossed eyes, eyelid spasms, excessive sweating, and some bladder disorders.
How is it done?
For the muscles to contract, nerves release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine. It is released at the junction where the nerve endings meet muscle cells. It attaches to the receptors on the muscle cells causing them to contract or shorten. Botox injections prevent the release of acetylcholine, hence resisting the muscle cells from contracting. The toxin reduces abnormal muscle contraction, enabling the muscles to become less stiff.
Botox vials have three main ingredients: Botulinum toxin types A, human albumin and sodium chloride. Botulinum toxin injections are injected into neuromuscular tissue. The powder is diluted in saline and then injected. The effect starts after 24-72 hours roughly and might take even 5 days for a noticeable effect. The effects last for 3-12 months depending on the treatment. Doctors usually use it on the frown lines between eyebrows, known as glabellar lines, as well as on lines in the forehead.
Who can go for Botulinum Facial Rejuvenation?
People should avoid the treatment during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In case of prior allergic reactions to the drug, it is recommended to avoid the procedure. Also, people with chronic conditions should not take Botox injections. All other healthy candidates can go for this treatment. In any case, the doctor scans your previous medical history and discusses all medications you have had or undergone. It is requested not to hide any such details as the post-treatment complications could be large.
Side Effects of Botulinum Facial Rejuvenation
Botulinum Facial Rejuvenation carries the same amount of risk as other surgical procedures. The side effects reported are comparatively less. The most common ones are pain at the injection site and infection. Other side effects have not been complained about yet. In case of any such irregularities, you are requested to contact your doctor on the first notice.
Is Botulinum Facial Rejuvenation Painful?
Patients experience mild to medium pain shortly after administering the Botox injection. However, the doctors go for proper consultation with the patients, prescribe the medications required and request a regular check-ups accordingly.
How long does it take to recover from Botulinum Facial Rejuvenation?
The toxin generally requires 24-72 hours to show its effect. In very few cases, the effects are observed as late as 5 days and even in some, it peaks up to 10 days. The effect stays for quite several weeks (approximately 12-20).
Always visit a trustworthy clinic and get your facial rejuvenation done by the best doctor. Kaayakaly by Dr V. S. Rathore is the best clinic for facial rejuvenation in Kolkata. The clinic uses world-class technology and is the first in India to use Inmode Technology. Click here to know more.
Why Dr. V. S. Rathore?
Kaayakalp is a highly reputed clinic in Kolkata, headed by Dr. V.S. Rathore, the best surgeon for cosmetic surgery in Kolkata. The expertise, experience and professionalism make him standout in delivering customer needs efficiently. He has a highly experienced team which work under him and under his consultations, providing appropriate consultations to the individual’s requirements while maintaining confidentiality. Affordable pricing and high customer satisafaction makes him the best in the city.
Botulinum toxin has a great duration of between 4 to 18 months, depending on dosage, location and natural elasticity.
People who have demonstrated some sensitivity to Botulinum in the past should not go for this treatment.
This can indicate a preexisting allergy that needs to be discussed with the physician and avoided. Even if an individual doesn't show any signs of being allergic before, they may still be allergic to it because their body "remembers" that they are.
The aftercare includes some simple and easy dos and don’ts to ensure you enjoy the maximum benefits of the treatment.
After a few minutes of injections, results can be seen. It depends on the person, but usually between 3-5 sessions are needed.
The Botulinum treatment can take anywhere from 3 to 5 days. This is a long process because it not all goes well at once and some people will see faster effects than others. Usually Botox takes about 2 or so weeks for people to have manageable brows again with all their normal features in tact and working properly again.
Many dermatologists and surgeons will offer Botulinum injections for wrinkles starting at about 28 years old, with the average apparently being around 40. The reasons for this are varied but usually include desires like enhanced movement of facial muscles or improved appearance due to smoothing out drooping eyelids as well as decreased wrinkle depth around the mouth which can improve speech quality and breathing.