Every few decades in medical history a new form of scientific innovation arises over the horizon, that completely changes the face of medicine and treatment for the decades to come. Doctors and patients alike cannot seem to get enough of these innovations until newer innovations are born. However, most of these innovations in the field of medicine are usually approached with a bit of healthy apprehension by the medical community.
Probiotics belong to this very category of medicinal treatment that has become the toast of skin and hair care aficionados in India.
And so, in today's blog let us discuss probiotics and if they are good for your hair.
Probiotics are live bacteria, usually found in fermented yeasts, that are believed to be good for our gut or digestive system. Before you lose your head about the possibility of ingesting bacteria, let alone live bacteria, understand that the human body is already home to millions of bacteria, that are classified as either good or bad, depending on their effect on the human body.
But primarily, probiotics are used only for treating skin and hair care problems, while also being used to treat digestive problems.
Types Of Probiotics
While the research into probiotics is still in its nascent stage, doctors have classified the different types of probiotic bacteria into two significant groups, which are -
- Lactobacillus- To begin with, lactobacillus is the most common probiotic bacteria that one can find in fermented food products like yoghurt and curd, while also being present in the human body. Lactobacillus is a probiotic that can be used to treat patients with lactose intolerance and diarrhoea.
- Bifidobacterium - Bifidobacterium is another group of bacteria that are called probiotics because of their health benefits. These probiotic bacteria are mostly found in the intestinal and stomach region that helps your body perform essential functions such as digestion and prevention of harmful bacteria.
Are Probiotics Good for your Hair?
While probiotics are definitely an effective way to tackle and treat hair fall and related problems among others, it is also prudent to note that probiotics are not some magical cure to fix all your skin and hair related problems overnight.
- Anti-Inflamatory: Some of you may wonder what skin inflammation has to do with hair growth, but it is a scientifically proven fact that inflammation causes hair follicles to stop supporting hair growth. Fortunately, as per recent studies, probiotics are known to counter the skin inflammation thereby enabling hair growth. Briefly put, the probiotics work to enable the secretion of hormones like cytokines, which are an integral part of the immune system, that contradict the effect of inflammatory substances.
- Hair Growth: While it is a known fact that probiotics help one with digestion and other gut-related diseases, most people do not understand its benefit with regards to hair growth. Intake of probiotic bacteria aids in the rise of T cells in the human body, that play a major role in stimulating hair growth. Studies show that probiotic bacteria induce peak health in the human system often mimicking the rapid hair growth of a much younger person.
- Reduce Anxiety: Of the many reasons that incite hair fall in a person, stress and anxiety are one of the most common causes for it. Whether the stress is induced by childbirth, work, illness or medication, it manages to cause hair loss in the individual. But the use of probiotics in a person's medication helps the individual to reduce anxiety and stress. Scientifically speaking, probiotic bacteria is essential in reducing the presence of cortisol, which is known as a stress-inducing hormone.
- Rectifying Hormonal Imbalance- Apart from the usual causes for hair loss encountered by a typical individual in India is the alarmingly rising problem of imbalance in the hormonal levels. Thinning of hair and balding are common side effects of hormonal imbalance.
But, as I mentioned before, probiotic bacteria is not a miracle medicine to cure all your hair related problems overnight. It is advisable to consult a physician before using probiotics to prevent hair loss.
Dr V. S. Rathore:
For the past 20 years, Dr Rathore's only focus in life has been the well being of his patients. He runs the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata that caters to the people of India, especially West Bengal.
Of the various services offered at Dr V. S. Rathore hospitals, dermatology and skincare are the areas in focus.
More than over 5000 patients across the country have chosen to consult Dr V.S. Rathore, because he is hands down the best surgeon in Kolkata, because of his dedication and enthusiasm to serve his patients towards a better quality of life and well-being.