All You Need To Know About Dimple Surgery Cost In Kolkata
A bright smile is always attractive to others, it is a charming crown to your character. Luckily, with advancements in technology, it is now possible to have a dimpled smile on your face with dimple surgery, the surgery is known as dimpleplasty.
A dimpleplasty is a type of plastic surgery used to create dimples on the cheeks. Dimples are the indentations that occur when some people smile. They’re most often located on the bottoms of the cheeks. Some people also have chin dimples.
A natural dimple is the outcome of a small opening in a muscle in the cheek called the buccinators muscle. These are small dents most seen on the cheeks on either side of the mouth, but they can also appear on other parts of the body. Dimples are often considered a sign of beauty and youth. They are desired by both men and women. The dimples may be seen on both cheeks or only one cheek. Some people may have dimples on other parts of the body as well.
Dimples fall into 2 categories:
- Cheek dimples: It is the most common and known, located on the cheeks. Some people have one instead of two. These kinds of dimples add angularity to the face.
- Chin dimples: It is often referred to as “cleft chin” is a less common dimple on the face.in most cases, it is an inherited trait; if one parent, has it, the likelihood of having it is high. It results from a connection to the underlying jaw structure.
When undergoing a surgical procedure, it is important to have proper consultation and prepare yourself for having it done.
Follow these steps before opting for dimple surgery:
- Schedule an appointment with a proficient surgeon for checking whether you qualify for the surgery. The doctor also gets to know your needs and requirements,
- Let the surgeon know why you want to have it and what outcome are you expecting post-surgery.
- Make sure your physician evaluates your medical history and inquiries about your medical condition and medication. This requires a few blood tests and lab tests to monitor your health status.
- The surgeon then has a close look at your skin, the associated bones and muscles for assessing the kind of changes that can be made.
Dimple creation surgery is performed by creating adhesions between the cheek muscle and the skin. A small incision is made inside the mouth for reaching the interior of the cheek. An absorbable surgical seam is then used to attach the underside of the cheek to the newly created defect in the muscle.
It is always advisable to visit the best surgeon with years of experience in this field. This is why, for dimple creation in Kolkata, the top cosmetic surgeon is Dr. V. S. Rathore. Kaayakalp which is owned by Dr.V.S Rathore has the latest and up-to-date technologies and is also the first clinic in India to use In mode Technology.
Who can go for Dimple Creation Surgery?
Most people can go for dimple creation surgery. There are no medical perquisites in general. During the consultation, the doctor checks your medical history to see if there are any irregularities which could have possible complications while performing the surgery or after the surgery. However, this treatment excludes people who are having bleeding disorders or other diseases like diabetes mellitus or anaemia, etc. that have some impact on blood count or such things.
How long does it take to perform Dimple Creation Surgery?
The surgery takes around an hour to complete, but complications could drive it even longer.
Cost of Dimple Creation Surgery in Kolkata
The usual price for dimple creation surgery varies from 30000 to 60000, which varies from person to person according to the surgery to be done. However, the cost of dimple creation surgery in Kolkata is quite low and budget friendly, starting from 20000 only.
Side Effects of Dimple Creation Surgery
While there are common side effects including temporary pain and swelling for a week or so post-surgery, certain complications do come up if the dimple surgery when not done correctly or post-treatment recommendation on oral hygiene has not been followed. This applies is as any other surgery. The most common observed side-effect is pain. You need to consult with your doctor regarding this if you face any issues post dimple creation surgery.
Is Dimple Creation Surgery painful?
There are chances to experience mild to moderate pain and possible discomfort post-surgery. The doctor prescribes medications for it to subside. The pain however reduces 72 hours after the surgery. If it persists or increases, you are prompted to consult the doctor. Compared to other kinds of facial plastic surgery, dimple creation is a relatively simple procedure which is performed in-house with local anaesthesia.
Are the results of the treatment permanent?
The dimple surgery is reversible in almost all cases. This is usually achieved by freeing the skin from the muscle by injecting dermal fillers. If your surgeon uses only a simple suture rather than removing some fat and tissue, the scar tissue that creates the dimples won’t be sufficient, and results can last in as little as four months.
Why choose Dr. V. S. Rathore? Kaayakalp is one of the most highly reputed clinics in Kolkata. Headed by Dr. V. S. Rathore, who is the best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata. Their expertise, experience and professionalism make him stand out in delivering customer needs efficiently. He has a highly experienced team working under him and under his guidance, providing relevant consultations to an individual’s needs while maintaining confidentiality. It is affordable pricing and high customer satisfaction makes him the best in the city.
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