Mastopexy: What is it?
Mastopexy is the medical term for the surgical process of raising sagging breasts upon the chest of a woman, by reshaping the elevation or modifying the size. In this procedure, the aim is to re-establish an aesthetically proportionate size of the bust by lifting and making them look firmer and tighter. The surgery includes removal of excess glandular tissue and skin and the lifting of nipple areola and the coloured skin around nipples, higher upon the chest wall.
Why do breasts sag?
With time, as you age, your breasts tend to lose their elasticity and firmess and ultimately sag. The loss of skin elasticity due to ageing and hormonal changes of menopause stand to be the foremost reason, along with pregnancy and breastfeeding in women. However, there isn't a specific age for your breasts to begin sagging. A woman in her twenties can have floppy and droopy breasts while a woman more aged can have a perkier pair of breasts. This is because, a lot of reasons contribute to breast sagging and most women are expected to experience them at different phases of life.
Some other major causes of breast sagging are :
- Repeated pregnancies and breastfeeding makes your breasts more stretched and eventually droopy.
- Women with a higher BMI have larger breasts than those with lower BMI. The larger the breast size, the more it bears the chances to sag.
- Quick weight gain or loss can affect the shape of your breasts, in a way that is not firm or perky. It will make them sag quickly.
- The shape of the bust decides its elasticity duration and not the size. While bigger breasts have the chance to sag more, the shape is also a factor. Breasts with rounder bottoms tend to sag much later than the long and narrow breasts.
- Genetics and heredity play an important role in the size,shape and sagging or your breasts.
The leading step regarding this surgery is to contact an experienced and well qualified cosmetic surgeon. While the chances of bearing side effects of any cosmetic breast surgery are very low, it is important to consult with your doctor about any underlying disease or ailment that you have. Post surgery risks and complications include infection, redness, tenderness, unusual swelling and sometimes a mild fever. However, the probability of these to occur are also unlikely, considering that your surgeon takes into account all the preventive measures. Your surgeon must give you instructions for preparing that will help lower the risk of any of these complications such as getting rid of smoking, staying off certain medications that may interfere with the process and also taking antibiotics if necessary.
If you're in Kolkata, contact Dr. V. S Rathore, the best cosmetic surgeon in the city for breast lift surgery in Kolkata. With 18+ years of his expertise and well appreciated professionalism by patients, he stands out amongst others in meeting customer's needs efficiently.
There are several techniques that are used in this particular procedure. It completely depends on the size and shape of your breasts and the way it needs to be lifted. This sugery is usually done on an outpatient basis, which means there is no overnight stay for the patients. However, every patient goes through a unique procedure so assessing a general time span is not possible. Still, for most patients, the whole process of breast-lifting takes about 2-4 hours and is done under general anesthesia. Breast lift surgeries tend to take more time than breast augmentation because of its complex and strategical process.
It is also important that you get a detailed explanation of the process by your surgeon, before you decide on going under the knife.
- Make sure to describe the surgeon about your requirements. The process begins by determining and deciding on the best lifted position for your breasts to sit on the chest.
- You will be given general anesthesia so you don't feel any kind of pain or uneasiness during the surgery.
- The surgeon will make an incision near the aerola that extends to the front portion of your breast from the bottom area to the crease. This leads to the modifying and lifting of the breasts.
- The aerola is lifted and moved to the new position giving the breasts a reduced but perkier shape and all the extra coloured skin around the nipple is also removed.
- Ultimately, the cuts are stiched to secure the lift. Surgical tapes and skin adhesives are also used sometimes.
While Mastopexy tends to reduce the size of breasts,some people choose to go for an Augmentation Mammoplasty or breast augmentation along with this. This process involves using silicone implants to increase the size, shape and volume of your breasts.
During your recovery, it is important that you do as directed by your surgeon because, this is the most important part of any sugery. Make sure you report any kind of discomfort or pain right away as it could lead to bigger problems. Look for any difference in the symmetry of your breasts and inform in your recovery or post-recovery visits in the clinic. It is possible that the surgeon may then reposition and modify the breast further to ultimately give you the desrired results.
- Your surgeon will remove the bandages during your post treatment visit. It can be the next day or on a maximum of two days after your breast lift. The doctor will also check your nipple's color and blood supply to ensure that there are no chances of building risks.
- Your surgeon will ask you to give maximum support post your breast-lift surgery by wearing a bra.
- You will be advised to limit your exercising activities, for eg. bench press and other chest exercises or heavy lifting. If you have got implants too, then any kind of impact can rupture them.
- Within a span of 2-3 weeks, the surgeon will remove all the stiches. And by this time, your breasts are expected to be functioning properly like before. You will also be able to engage in chest exercises and other daily activities including running.
- There can be changes in the breast sensation. This will go away with time and some medications if suggested by the doctor.
Even if you will find the desired results right after your surgery and return to the pre- surgery life within some weeks, it is only after a few months for your breasts to settle into their ultimate result. Hence, patience is the key.
The cost of any kind of breast surgery in India costs around 70,000 to 4 lacs. And for breast lift surgery in Kolkata, it is even more affordable as the costs start from around 40-50,000 only. Although it varies in every independent clinic, depending on the requirements of the patient; at Dr. VS Rathore's Clinic - Kaayakalp, we offer the best cosmetic surgery within a budget that suits you. Affordable pricing, high customer satisfaction with world class facilities at your service, makes us the best cosmetic breast surgery clinic in Kolkata.