Is Hair Transplant a Good Option?
Hair transplants are surgical procedures for treating baldness or excessive hair loss. Any more than 50 to 100 strands of hair fall a day can be considered excessive and require serious attention before the condition worsens. Nowadays, hair transplants have become a common solution that people run to for their various hair problems because of its numerous advantages. It has proven to be a good option amongst the other solutions for hair related issues. For many, good hair is like a crown to top off their look. Many feel that thin hair or baldness give then an older appearance and has lowered their self-esteem. But is Hair Transplant a Good Option?
What is a Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure. A surgeon removes the follicles from a dense area of hair, the donor site, and implants it into tiny slits on the affected areas of the scalp. Hair transplants are also used to restore body and beard hair. The procedure takes several hours and can be done on local anaesthesia.
Why is Hair Transplant a Good Option?
One main privilege that reasons hair transplants as a good option is that it is a permanent solution. Hair transplants fill most of the criteria to suit the busy lifestyle of people. It is easy maintenance and does not need special care. We need not buy expensive products to take care of the newly grown hair. After the surgery, there aren’t many follow-ups so visiting the hospital is not going to be a hassle.
Hair that is grown is going to look completely natural. As the surgery is done with each individual’s hair follicles, it will suit the texture of the natural patient’s hair, making it difficult to even distinguish between the original and newly grown hair. The hair grows back uniformly and with enough patience, it will become the exact same as the natural hair.
As it is a one-time procedure, it is comparatively cost-effective. Many temporary solutions may seem to be cheaper for a session but they require a lot of follow-ups and on the whole, cost much more than a simple permanent solution like hair transplant. Modern technologies have advancements so that the machines are completely safe, secure and painless. It is almost like a simple surgery and is done under local anaesthesia. It does not have any serious complications and requires minimal downtime. Hair transplants are also known for their great success rates so there are almost no chances of failure.
Although it has many materialistic gains, it also gives a positive impact on a person’s mental health. It increases self-esteem in a person and enhances the complete look. People can face the world with more confidence and flaunt a younger look.
Dr V.S Rathore
Since 2003, Dr V.S Rathore has been in the field of cosmetic surgery. For the past 18 years, he has successfully performed more than 9000 surgeries and 2100 hair transplants. He has strived by using his knowledge in cosmetology to build confidence in people and make their lives better.
He finished his Master of Surgery in general surgery and M.Ch in plastic surgery in Kolkata Medical College. He is also a former professor in Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata. Being inspired to become a surgeon after witnessing many traumatic stories, he continues to work hard for the well being of his patients.