Facts About Cosmetic Surgery
Nowadays, living and maintaining a healthy life brings in a lot of efforts, discipline and hard work in our part. On top of that, our desire to have a spotless appearance adds up our hard work. We try so many home remedies to enhance our features but do we exactly get our desired look? Let's see some facts about cosmetic surgery.
The glamour world has fogged our vision with all the beautiful actresses and handsome actors. They look so perfect, all the time that it becomes hard to point out any finger on them. But what we don’t understand is that since they are a part of the show business, it is their job to look perfect. Being humans, they too have skin problems, pain, operations or surgeries but they are good at hiding.
Haven’t you noticed the change in the appearance of actresses? We all do understand, don’t we? The lips getting plump or thin, the complexion becoming fairer and fairer, the nose being the perfect one and many more. But just because they are in the show business, that does not mean that you cannot look perfect. Each one of us wants perfect skin. It’s not only because of the appearance but the self-confidence and self-esteem which gets boosted because of our perfect look.
After reading onto the importance of a perfect appearance we will talk about the magician of this craft. Dr V. S. Rathore, a general as well as a cosmetic surgeon has contributed immensely in the field of cosmetic plastic surgeries. He has been a medical practitioner for more than 15 years now and still keeps on to amaze people with his effortless surgeries which bears great results. He has been running a clinic with the name ‘Kaayakalp” and has been serving the patients all through. Because of his expertise, he has been able to build up a team with great efficiency and expertise, with the help of which he always satisfies his patients.
So, let us know what all services does he provide. It will help you immensely in making the right choice, after all, it’s a lifetime commitment, to your skin!
- HAIR TRANSPLANT – In this treatment, you can regain the last volume of your hairs. Here, we take out the hair follicles from the back of your head and relocate them to bald regions individually. After a few weeks, you will notice hair growth from the bald regions. These are your natural and permanent hairs. In the work-life pressure, go easy on your voluminous hairs.
- NOSE JOB – Scientifically known as rhinoplasty, a nose job is a nose reconstruction treatment. Here, you can get the desired shape for your nose. The nose job treatment is not always used for cosmetic purposes but for medical purposes too. There are certain birth defects and breathing-related issues where patients are advised to undergo a rhinoplasty. It’s a power you behold allowing you to customize your noses exactly as per your needs.
- LIPOSUCTION – How will you react if you get to know that you can treat your fats and get rid of them? Well, I can imagine your excitement and it is completely true. Liposuction is the cosmetic surgery which extracts the unwanted fats from your body. Though terms and conditions apply, this treatment will benefit you if you fit in. Also, this treatment can be undertaken only if exercising and dieting does not help.
- FACIAL SURGERY – Facial surgery includes all the surgeries related to your face. You either choose individual treatments or go for all of them under one name. Here, all your features are treated, from eyelids to chin everything can be treated and corrected. Rhinoplasty is also a part of the facial surgery including treatments for eyebrows, cheeks, wrinkles, etc.
- ABDOMINOPLASTY – Our abdomen highlights our fats very evidently. Also, they are the toughest to tuck in with the help of exercise or dieting. So, usually, it is considered best to go for treatment. The treatment makes your abdomen look leaner by removing the loose fats and extra skin, usually occurring post-pregnancy.
- BODY CONTOURING – As the name suggests, this treatment actually contours your entire body. in this procedure, the excess of sagged skin and fat tissues are removed which are beneficial in giving us features like a facelift, arm lift, lower body lift, tummy tuck, etc.
After the brief information about our services, we do not stop here.
We have more services like:
1. Scar management,
2. Laser surgery,
3. Fairness treatment,
4. Lip surgery,
5. Eyelid bag surgery,
6. Chin surgery,
7. Ear correction,
8. Cosmetic breast surgery,
9. Sex change.
There is one important point to know and learn before going for any cosmetic surgery. Keep our expectations to the lowest and expect the least perfect result. This might sound absurd but it is very much practical. The results of cosmetic surgery vary largely from one person to another. If one person is best suited for liposuction, the other person might not be.
So, whatever you have you get recorrected, just explain it to the surgeon and go in for the treatment with no expectations. And after the treatment, you will be much more happy and satisfied. Also, do take an appointment if you are willing to go for any cosmetic treatment or visit our website.