Gynecomastia In Bodybuilders
Male fitness enthusiasts hit the gym to carve a chiselled body. Their goal is to flaunt the supreme masculine appearance. However, the majority of this population suffers from a condition called gynecomastia. In short, it is also known as “gyno.” Gynecomastia in bodybuilders is the most common physical problem. In this condition, males develop heavy and large breasts. This is a cause of embarrassment to the public. Men feel awkward and are even ridiculed. Thus, the condition is humiliating even though it does not pose any threat to life.
At least 60% of the entire male population suffers from this condition at any given time. However, gyno in bodybuilders is more prevalent than in others. Several causes contribute to breast enlargement in males. Read this article to know more about the condition and what causes it. But an important question is, why are gym fanatics more prone to suffer from this medical problem? We will discuss it in this post. Read this post to know what precautions you should take to prevent this as a bodybuilder.
What is gyno in bodybuilding?
It refers to the excess growth of breast tissue in bodybuilders. This leads to cause feminine breasts in males. But gynecomastia in bodybuilders is slightly different. Bodybuilders with gynecomastia develop breasts that are firm and thick. This is different from the soft consistency of enlarged male breasts. Hence, they are a lot more difficult to treat than other forms of the same condition.
Why do bodybuilders get gynecomastia?
Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of gyno in bodybuilders. Often, those who want to build muscles take anabolic steroids for increasing their muscle mass. Even though these steroids boost the growth of muscles, it comes at a cost. Let us explain.
These steroids are different forms of testosterone. It is the synthetic form of the natural male hormone. This increases the concentration of the hormone in the blood. An enzyme aromatase converts the male hormone into oestradiol (a component of the female hormone oestrogen). When there is an excess of testosterone in the blood, it leads to increased production of oestradiol. The surplus female hormone component triggers the growth of breast tissues in males.
Is gyno permanent?
True gynecomastia is permanent. That is, when breast size increases due to the growth of breast glands and tissues, it is permanent. In this case, only surgical correction can help.
However, fat deposits around the chest can also give the appearance of large breasts. This is known as “pseudo-gynecomastia.” It is different. It goes away with exercise that helps eliminate fat deposits.
How do bodybuilders prevent gyno?
1. Consume protein supplements:
Protein supplements can help in building body mass. So, if you are into fitness, it is better to intake protein shakes or protein powders instead of steroids. Whey protein, especially, is a great alternative for men interested in keeping and looking fit.
These are a much safer choice for muscle development.
2. Keep a check on your diet:
Some foods are known to develop male breasts. These include soya products (soya bean, soya milk, tofu, etc.), dairy products (butter, milk, or ghee), beetroot, packaged food, processed food, and deep-fried food. Limit the intake of these foods.
3. Stop the use of synthetic hormones:
Stop taking your steroids IMMEDIATELY if you notice enlargement of breasts. If they have developed recently, there is still a chance of them flattening naturally if you withdraw the steroids.
4. Consult a doctor:
Your doctor may prescribe aromatase inhibitors for preventing gynecomastia if you are using steroids for bodybuilding. These drugs do not allow the action of the aromatase enzyme. As a result, this stops the conversion of testosterone to oestradiol.
If a male has already developed breasts, these drugs may reduce their size in the early stages. These drugs also prevent gynecomastia in bodybuilders.
Please remember, the use of steroids should always be done under the supervision of a qualified medical professional. This means you should use steroids only if a licensed practitioner allows you to. Do not let a gym trainer influence you. The injudicious use of steroids can produce grave consequences.
5. Consult a breast surgeon:
If overgrown breasts persist for roughly a year or more, medicines don’t work. Only breast surgery can improve the condition of the breasts.
Gyno in bodybuilders is not extra fat in the chest. Hence, it cannot be shed away with exercise. Instead, the breast glands and tissues have grown above their normal size in these males.
The takeaway:
Gynecomastia in bodybuilders is a serious issue. Even though it causes no physical harm, it negatively impacts one’s mental health. So, before you start taking synthetic hormones as part of your fitness regime, stop. Consult a doctor and follow accordingly.
Bodybuilders with gynecomastia need to know that they still have hope. Dr V. S. Rathore is a skilled breast surgeon. He has nearly 20 years of experience in cosmetic breast surgeries. He uses the latest equipment to give you the best outcome. Regain your lost confidence with his help. Contact us today for your appointment.
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