What’s Trending in Plastic Surgery?
2020 and the first half of 2021 saw a reduction in the numbers of plastic surgery procedures performed. Covid-19 surely had a role to play. However, it also gave birth to Zoom meetings that meant focusing on one’s looks and facial appearance. Social media has also almost taken over our lives. Almost every other day, you can see people trying out new filters. Some make our eyes look bigger. Others give our face a more symmetrical shape. Today, we will take a look at some of the plastic surgery trends that are doing the rounds.
Pandemic, Lockdown and Plastic Surgery
The world’s obsession with looking beautiful and flawless is not a recent development. Stories of beautiful men and women have been popular in most cultures. Wars have been fought over them – think of Helen of Troy! So it is no surprise that people want to look gorgeous. However, the pandemic brought some shifts in the sense that people were now cooped up in their homes. Meetings, classes, etc. turned remote. Besides dogs barking or neighbours fighting, our faces became a distraction too.
Experts have pointed out that “Lockdown face” is a real thing. People started noticing their worry lines or the shape of their noses. Maybe you have done that too! Plastic surgeons and cosmetic doctors from all over the world reported a surge in surgical and non-surgical treatments. However, it would be wrong to say that the whole thing is totally negative. The trends in the world of plastic surgery are a mixed bag, filled with pros and cons. A good surgeon also plays a crucial role.
Plastic Surgery Trends
1. Focus on Looking More Natural
Earlier, people saw celebrities changing their looks and appearances and many went under the knife to get these looks. Remember Kim Kardashian and her Brazilian butt lift? Surgeons often received requests to perform the same treatments. Patients would bring pictures of these stars so that they can get the exact look. However, now there has been a visible shift. People now want to look the way they are with some natural additions. Many just want to enhance their natural looks and not change into a replica of their favourite celebrities. Experts say that they receive edited images or images of close people who have desirable features.
2. Focus on the Individual and the Personal
Yes, people want to embrace their natural beauty. It is also true that their ideas of beauty are still shaped by the popular beauty trends and standards. These trends influence many before they undergo plastic surgery. The important thing is to do a little bit of research and “soul searching” before taking a decision. If you want to change how you look, think deep about your reasons and motivations. Think about what will make you happy, healthy and satisfied and not just now but also over the coming years. Discuss with a specialist so that you receive an honest opinion which will help you to not just look but feel beautiful from the inside!
3. Ethnicity Has Also Grown in Importance
One of the major plastic surgery trends, ethnicity now plays a key role in how people view themselves in terms of looks and fashion. Recently, supermodel Bella Hadid talked about her nose job and her ethnic heritage. This points out to the fact that the fashion industry was obsessed with small, turned-up nose. Now, however, different types of noses and other facial features are visible due to TikTok and other social media platforms. People are getting treatments like Rhinoplasty to fix crooked nose or asymmetry without changing their ethnic identities.
4. Men Also Want Plastic Surgery!
It is not just backdated but also sexist to think that only females desire and undergo plastic surgery. Figures say that a huge portion of the male population undergoes plastic surgery procedures. Now, with K-Pop idols becoming globally popular, the concept of male beauty has become more prominent.
5. Social Media and Photo Apps
Selfies, disappearing photo apps like Snapchat and various filters show that there is an unhealthy obsession as well with looking perfect all the time. These set aesthetic goals that are neither humanly possible nor desirable. Surgeons sometimes are met with challenging goals which are unhealthy and can cause several other side effects.
6. Body Positivity
There is another side to social media as well. While some want to become instantly beautiful, some embrace their bodies and looks. Many are now undergoing these treatments to cure one or the other health issues. Thus, accepting who you are and how you look is a major plastic surgery trend in the post-Covid world.
Final ThoughtsZoom boom and body image issues are genuine. Many want instant change in their appearance. However, there are always two sides to a coin. If you are influenced by plastic surgery trends or have health issues, visit Dr. V.S. Rathore. You will get an expert and reliable opinion. Rest assured that all safety measures will be followed and your privacy will be respected. Visit or call for further details.