How to Know When You’re Ready for Hair Transplant?
There are several reasons you may be considering hair transplant surgery. Some people suffer from hereditary baldness, while others see their locks thinning as they age or experience stress-related receding hairlines and temples, but the question is how to know when you’re ready for hair transplant? A diet change might get your scalp back on track but if not then it's time to consider surgical options that will help regrow lost hairs permanently for those who have been suffering from this issue for long enough.
In this article, we will look at some signs you may be ready for a hair transplant surgery. Let’s begin!
Ideal Age
Hair loss is a natural consequence of aging that usually starts around the age of 25-30. Doctors recommend waiting until you're in your late twenties to undergo surgery, but depending on what type of hair loss pattern it may be, they might suggest going sooner or later than this general range.
5+ Years Of Balding/Hair Thinning
After 5+ years of hair thinning, it is best to go see a doctor and talk about options for preventing further loss. Hair transplantation should be considered after this amount of time has elapsed so that your pattern with the gradual balding can be seen more clearly - especially in cases where you want specific results like coverage or fullness.
Healthy Donor Hair
A hair transplant is a treatment that can restore the natural appearance of your hair by filling in bald patches. To have maximum success, you need to consider restoring it when there hasn’t been too much damage yet – this way, we can achieve an even and more natural look for you.
No Medical Complications
For transplantation surgery to work, you need a clean bill of health. Certain types of medication and medical conditions have hair loss as a side effect so it's important to talk with your doctor about alternative options if you're considering the procedure. Stress is hard on all aspects of life; be sure that stress doesn't interfere when recovering from this type of surgery!
Realistic Expectations
Hair transplantation is a procedure where hair follicles from the back of your head are transplanted to thinning areas. Once you get these new hairs, they will have to grow for 6 - 12 months before you can dye and style them. Patience is key during this process as it may take up to 1 year depending on how quickly your body reacts with growth hormones when recovering after surgery.
If You Are Reading This
If you are here reading this, chances are that you are preparing yourself to get a hair transplant! Hair restoration surgery is a permanent way of regaining your natural look. Here at Kaayakalp - The speciality clinic for hair transplant headed by Dr. V.S. Rathore, we specialize in Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), the two most common hair restoration techniques available in Kolkata. If you relate to more than three of the points mentioned in this article, we recommend you to have a chat with us about your hair thinning struggles.