8 Myths About Abdominoplasty Debunked
Abdominoplasty is a procedure that reduces excess skin and fat to create a flatter, smoother abdomen. While it can be performed via open or closed procedures, either way, will have risks and benefits. Here are 8 myths about Abdominoplasty debunked so you can make an informed decision when choosing your plastic surgeon.
Myth 1- Abdominoplasty Is The Same As Tummy Tuck
Both Abdominoplasties and tummy tucks have their own set of pros and cons while being very similar in nature. Though the terms are often used interchangeably by many people, they do not mean the exact same thing. An Abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes excess skin from your middle back down to your pubic area (the front of your torso), while a tummy tuck only addresses the front.
Myth 2- Women Who Have Had Children Will Get An Abdominoplasty Post-Pregnancy
A common misconception is that women will automatically get an Abdominoplasty after pregnancy - however, this isn't necessarily true. A properly fitted girdle or support garment may be thank you enough for some women, but others may want more lasting results from a tummy tuck or liposuction in addition to a girdle. What many new moms may find with their bodies 5 years after birth is not always what they had expected and most times it takes time for your body to return to its pre-birth shape and location of stretch marks especially after subsequent pregnancies.
Myth 3- Liposuction Will Dissolve The Fat That Results From Abdominoplasty
While liposuction can reduce excess fat, it is not a requirement for an Abdominoplasty. If you do have too much fat after your surgery it can be addressed with liposuction if desired by your surgeon.
Myth 4- Recovery From An Abdominoplasty Is 8 Weeks
Recovery from any cosmetic surgery is 8 weeks but recovery from an Abdominoplasty varies depending on what kind of procedure was done, how big the incision was and where it was made. An Abdominoplasty usually involves a combination of procedures which include muscle repair or reinforcement, removal of skin and fat as well as possible liposuction of other areas depending on your needs, and the type of anesthesia used.
Myth 5- An Abdominoplasty Can Fix A Diastasis Rectus
A diastasis rectus is the separation of your abdominal muscles which causes a bulge. This bulge typically occurs in women during pregnancy due to increased pressure in the abdomen when carrying a child. Although an Abdominoplasty may be able to remove excess skin, it cannot fix or repair your abs by itself if you have this condition.
Myth 6- Everyone Needs An Abdominoplasty After Pregnancy
While most people will end up with some extra skin in their abdomen area at some point during their lives (due to weight fluctuations), not everyone requires an Abdominoplasty. Surgery isn't always the best option for everyone which is why your plastic surgeon will provide you with all your options before any procedure is done.
Abdominoplasties are more commonly requested by women due to having large amounts of skin in their midsection after pregnancy, but they are also necessary procedures needed by some men who have had weight loss or suffered burns on their abdomen area. Making sure you understand your need for this type of surgery before anything is decided upon is important.
Myth 8- You Can Get Abdominoplasty Even If You Haven’t Gained Weight Around That Area
It's not just about gaining weight - although if you have excess skin even after losing weight an Abdominoplasty may help you - but it's also about where that excess skin is located. If you are still able to pinch over 25-30 millimeters of skin around your abdomen, then this surgery will not be needed. Instead, if you have lost a significant amount of weight and have lost the fat layer above the muscles in your midsection so there is only extra skin left on top of each other, or if you have stretch marks, then opt for an Abdominoplasty.
The above ‘8 myths of abdominoplasty debunked’ in this blog is a means to educate everyone on what Abdominoplasty really is, and to clear rumors and doubts around it.
Abdominoplasty is not just a cosmetic procedure and you can go for it if your excess skin is bothering you too much than ever! It is a completely safe procedure and if you choose the skilled surgeon, you’ll be in the right hands. To book your appointment with Dr. V.S. Rathore visit our website www.drvsrathore.com
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